I wrote a day or so ago about how the Uranium One scandal (and believe me scandal is putting it mildly) is being covered up. It's no secret that the MSM isn't going to investigate anything that has anything to do with wrongdoing when it comes to Democrats, in particular media darlings such as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. After all, Donald Trump may have said something mildly controversial 30 years ago... and as we all know- that's newsworthy. Intrepid journalists like Sean Hannity, however, have come forward to challenge the MSM's false narrative and expose the lies- hoping against hope- as all honest Americans do that the real miscreants are brought to justice... Uranium One (and it's parent company Rosatom) and the Clinton/Obama/ Democratic machine.
The deal that transferred 20% of the US future uranium was approved in 2010 by CFIUS (Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States) whose members included Sec. of State Hillary Clinton and Atty General Eric Holder who seem to have neglected to inform the other members that they were participating in an historic act of corruption bordering on treason... Must just have slipped their minds- an understandable oversight. We do know that the Clinton Foundation received a minimum of $145 Million from Rosatom not to mention millions more from individual donors including Vladimir Putin who made several $500,000 donations himself. Now why would the Russian president be donating to an American foundation... to help the Haitians no doubt.
Naturally, the DOJ, headed by Holder as well as the FBI, under Robert Mueller and later James Comey, sat on the information... and now, even though executives of Rosatom have pled out their cases in court (another story missed by the MSM), the Trump DOJ, under Jeff Sessions, refuses to lift the gag order on the only witness whose testimony can crack the case wide open. Almost makes you wonder what Atty. General Jeff Sessions has to hide... also makes one wonder why he recused himself from "all things Russian."
The reality is that this is a sterling opportunity for Sessions to come out looking like a real hero- unless he's a part of the coverup. So too could members of Congress, but the only member so far to push the investigation is Sen. Charles Grassley... wonder what they have to hide? Sessions' recusal and silence in the matter does beg the question- why? He could easily lift the gag order allowing the witness to testify without it affecting his recusal. Moreover, according to Sen. Grassley, Congress doesn't need "permission" from the Executive branch to investigate or question witnesses.
"In a letter sent Wednesday to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Grassley said such an NDA would “appear to improperly prevent the individual from making critical, good faith disclosures to Congress of potential wrongdoing.”… (see links)
So, it appears that gag order itself along with the non-disclosure agreement may be illegal themselves. The real question in all of this is- how deep is the swamp in all reality... How widespread the corruption? We know that there is collusion between Russia/ Clinton/Obama/ Holder/Rosenstein/ Mueller/ McCabe/ Comey/ Lynch as well as others... Is Jeff Sessions' name next on the list and if so, how strong is Donald Trump's resolve to "drain the swamp?"
http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/10/how_corrupt_ are_american_ institutions.html
http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/10/why_is_ jeff_sessions_ hiding_uranium_ one_informant.html
Thanks for the thoughts.
It appears to be bordering on treason like Kansas borders on the U.S.A.
I think the bigger crime is that none of these government employees will be held accountable.
I think that much of these stories is used as prior notice and/or full disclosure. If these things are made known, and no one says anything, in Law, , it amounts to tacit acquiescence, agreement, in effect.
If I thought this scandal was going to produce any justice, it would be funny if the only reason it came out was the endless push for investigation of Putin by the Democraps.
Looking at the events of the morning, the containment wall has been completely breached. Hillary is being left out to hang and with the WaPo reporting on the paper trail of the Trump Dossier it's over for her.
Heck, even Newsweek can't ignore this anymore. She ruled through fear because she had power. Now she has not power and therefore no one fears her anymore.
People underneath her are simply sick of her shit.
I saw this morning that Congress is reopening the investigation into the FBI coverup.
Relevance:Documenting CorruptionCurated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
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Well, justice will not be done.
I am wondering if justice could be done.
If there was actually an american court.
Then they could be tried and found guilty
... but what would be the punishment?
I believe our problem, as normal, everyday, useless eaters of the lower class, is that we have been sold on do a crime, go to jail. And so, we see it as proper that these higher ups should go to jail to. But, when they are sent to jail, they are sent to a country club. Or are confined to their house.
So, what is justice?
I feel the first thing should be reparations. Fix what can be fixed.
Contracts made by deceitful people should not be binding.
But that part seems completely off the table.
Time to zap the clintonites and their cronies.
What's the penalty for high treason?
The Rosenbergs found out.
I can tell you unequivocally what will happen... nothing!
Hmmm -- When they do meet their maker - God have mercy on their souls.
Yeah well... I don't quite think it works like that. I think it's more like "as ye sow, so shall ye reap" and "find your own salvation with fear and trembling (or something like that)"
The swamp is deep and it remains for us only to guess how much? Especially cynical are the authorities of the state, whose entire political system is based on the principle of "money - power - money".
Very sad situation in all reality.
Wow Hillary is so filthy rich that she can send me for a reconstruction surgery for my face @richq11