Why We Have A Republic

in #informationwar7 years ago

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I came across a video today of David Hogg "Tide Pod Boy" and the setup became unmasked right before my eyes. I was suspicious from the beginning but the plot was as plain as the nose on my face (and believe me- that's pretty clear!) This isn't about students advocating for anything... this is a referendum on our rights, a soft coup by the news media- not against the president this time, but against us. It's abundantly clear that not only has this idiot been spoon fed the questions and given the answers... he's described as "really smart," and other equally salubrious sounding sobriquets. What is really clear is that without coaching, he couldn't pour piss out of a boot.

By turning a mob of stupid kids into celebrities (read: unwitting dupes) the MSM is trying to remove our ability to protect ourselves- not to mention idiots like Hogg. I posted some time ago about disarming us all before the Deep State moves against the president and Tide Pod Boy has become their mouthpiece. He remarked that "Our parents don't know how to use a fucking democracy." Perhaps he missed civics class the day they covered the difference between a republic and democracy... or maybe he isn't as smart as the MSM wants us to think.





Relevance:Useful Idiots
Our Purpose
Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

Relevance: Good Citizens Respect The Borg Overlords!!!
Our Purpose
Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)

Are these children even old enough to hold a job, let alone vote? There is a reason for the military canvassing high school to recruit their cannon fodder. Teenagers are unwise, impractical, and gullible. The day the West allowed 18-year olds to participate in their electorate was the day representative government collapsed.

Now it's CNN doing the canvassing! No they can't (and shouldn't vote) I think they should raise the voting age to 40!

If your blood pressure is up now, here's an item that willl make your GP happy to see you:

"NPR Lets David Hogg Slam Opponents as Old People Dying Off on the 'Wrong Side' of History."

Mr. Hogg is so spoiled, it actually gives him a candor that's useful (to us.) Check this out:

To those people I would say, I think we've seen a little of life, considering we saw the slaughter of 17 people at our school. Having to see these things again and again is more than enough life experience than we've ever wanted to have. I think saying that students don't have a right to speak out against this is disgusting because we've lived through this. Regardless of what your opinions are or where you come from, you need to realize we are the future of America. And if you choose not to stand with us, that's OK because you'll be on the wrong side of the history textbooks that we write. But if you choose to stand with us, you will be praised as standing up with the future of America. Because at the end of the day, what our generation is fighting for - not only for us, not only for the kids that are alive right now but the future of America. We can and we will outlive our opponents because they're old, and they are stuck in their old ways. We will change the face of America with or without our opponents.

"the history textbooks that we write." I'm very sure that your Kayla will not be part of the "we." That's because Mr. Hogg is not referring to age: he's referring to connections.

FYI, his mommy is a high-up at CNN. That's all you need to know about "we."

His shameless candor is a very unintended blessing. In his narcissism, he's unintentionally warning us to get our kids, grandkids, etc. to get into the habit of checking around before accepting the "history textbooks that 'we' write."

He's not only good at selling NRA memberships, he's also good at spreading a healthy distrust of the Establishment his mommy belongs to!

That's one remarkable article. I pulls together all the information I've read/watched separately. It still begs the question of why the lies and the story from the media, and what the actual purpose was, other than to create the anti gun movement to de-arm everyone...

I really appreciate this post I’ve been following the story about the Florida shooting and the propaganda surrounding it culminating in that town hall CNN set up to take down the NRA! It’s almost nonsensical at this point they didn’t even have a point they just using an unfortunate event and impressionable kids to drive a message home! A message I don’t agree with, when the government wants to take a right and power away from the people you should be worried! It’s moving the US toward a nanny state! I’m from South Africa and I can tell you socialist democracy doesn’t work it is mob rule and elected offials are only after self interest policies and remaining in power long enough to retire comfortably

The only kid from the school in question who I actually listen to was. Kyle kashuv and I’m not sure why his not getting any publicity why is he not on time magazines front cover? Because his rational and wants to engage in dialogue?

Glad to see Steemit is a free speech haven 💯

Kyle doesn't get press because he's against the MSM narrative. Like the saying goes: If the govt tells you you don't need a gun- you need two!

This movement reminds me of the painting in Denver International Airport of the children of the world turning swords to plowshares.

Excellent point. Also the painting of the communist style trooper holding the sword and killing a dove, while a long row of suffering people are shown. Probably a painting about what is really wanted from all this change.

This is the democrat 2018 strategy: not to make their platform more acceptable to people but to try to manipulate people into thinking their platform is acceptable, they are going to run on gun control again!

Very dramatic and philosophical. Must be digested. I repeat the reading three times.

Thanks for sharing news
I appreciate your news

You are right sometimes fool people talk wisely in a crowd

Well, i do not .... umm, believe that democracy is doomed, but the way we apply it is wrong.

Those people who pay taxes should have a word about where they go.
So, when we send our forms to the IRS it should have an itemized breakdown of which departments get which money.
One dollar, one vote, where those votes count.

Laws should be passed by 90%. If 90% of the people are not for them, they aren't a law. If 90% of the people are for them, then the law isn't needed, just the punishment should be written down.

Laws need to be applied equally to everyone.
Affirmative action should never have been a law.
Paying "pig" farmers to not raise pigs should not be a law.

However, we should have laws for men and laws for women. Each has separate needs. One seeks security and one seeks freedom. And so, each side should be its own group, arguing over the best way to be fair for that group.

An example. My body, my choice. (not his choice, and not the babies choice)

  • So, the women can decide if abortion is legal or illegal. It is, after all, their body.
  • But, who pays for the abortion is up to the people who pay taxes.
  • Further, the child support is decided by the men. Who will probably choose a single payer form of child support. Because men, would demand a paternity test, and many men would find that the child that they are pay for is not their own (1 in 4 are not), and so, the men will see to laws that make sure the child doesn't starve. Probably every kid will get a care package each week with cereal, milk and ravioli.

Who controls the narrative controls the people. Tell a lie long enough and often enough. The end justifies the means. We are in a fight whether we like it or not. This is well beyond the talking point.