Ok! "The Prisoner" television program ✅
Your comment feed shows some real passion for this program, I'm IN!
Thank you for the recommendation 🤗
Since my story will serve the purpose of entertaining you, please help me help YOU!
Which three primary emotions did you experience, when watching the program, that got you interested?
What was the scene, topic, or content that got you completely engaged in that very moment?
When I ask you:
"Recall your most favorite part of the entire series," what is the first thing that pops in your head? Please describe it 🙂
Excited to serve you,
@scan0017 😘
Looking forward to reading your blog on this:
In the episode where The Village tries to gather information through mind manipulation, as Number Six is walking back to the lab in his dream, number two and the dream specialist look up the physical hallway in anticipation. That was a nice stick-it-to-them moment.
I have to go with the above scene. it's a two-fer!
I'm super pumped to watch The Prisoner!
Hope you extend the contest a bit while I do my research 🙂
Actually, that wouldn't be fair to the others.
Maybe another round in a month or so?!?
Ambition got the best of me...
Still really excited to watch this program though!
it's not really a requirement to watch the whole thing ;>
mainly on the IW side of the locus.I think one or two would give you a good idea; like I said, most of the episodes have some #informationwar connection, and you could write a post that focused
I just want folks to watch this for the benefit to themselves. Once I got done over being pissed at the end, and considered the message, it was pretty powerful stuff!