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RE: Topkek of the day 2019-09-24: Grumpy Greta Thunberg at the UNGA

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

I have given this post a 50% upvote because it has begun a discussion and brought focus to the subject of climate change.

  1. Whether I agree or disagree with one's opinion, I can still appreciate their views (no matter how wrong they may be). This posts value, as is all content of posts, is subjective. Though I disagree with the message, there are some viable points (I am not a communist, yet I am a tree hugger).

  2. Facts are facts and common sense will show that pollution and the throw away society that is the world today is not good for the planet or us humans. Don't believe me? Ask our friends in India! Some may deny this, President Nixon, USA (founder of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), and a Conservative Republican did not.

  3. Global warming may be just a cycle, but the first Executive Action by the US President to allow the polluting of creeks and streams by coal companies sure don't help the fish, frogs and other watery creatures. Just one of many de-regulating actions by My President (can't stand the man, yet he is my President) that is reprehensible.

  4. I know nothing about this young girl, but what I have read. Never met her and whether she has a type of autism I know not. Hypocrite? Well, she is human and all of us humans suffer from that malady.

  5. The arguments presented by @drakos are reminiscent of the Alex Jones Sandy Hook fiasco (my perception). Our world is in a bad way as far as the environment goes. No birds, no bees, no trees, no air! I can't breath fossil fuels or eat fiat/cryptocurrency.
  6. The whole downvoting thing? I will just keep my mouth shut on this matter. Not my fight. Preservation of life on this planet through education and conversation is my fight. I, like our first President George Washington, am an isolationist (for a much more in-depth understanding of my views see the views of General Smedly Darlington Butler, USMC. I do believe my Country does have a responsibility to the world though. Not militarily, but in not aiding in the destruction in the world that G-D has given us. The children of the world are the ones that will be impacted by our inaction and tribalism.

  7. Finally; this is not a simple subject and there are no simple answers... there are many factors at play. Will we, the human race, live long enough to cooperate and find answers? I am one that usually can fight both sides of an argument (I am a Gemini after all).

    I would hope that this conversation would continue. It is a very emotional one, yet an important issue. No need to worry about the Zombie Apocolypse, if we don't become proactive soon even Zombies won't be able to survive on this planet!


tree-huggers will downvote everything I do! It is not easy being a Centrist in a polarized world. Thanks a lot! 🤣🤣🤣🤣Well thank you for the upvote on my comment @drakos. Now all my fellow

well you got a follow from me, for being polite and inquisitive as well as intelligent.

on 'climate change' (nee global warming) - others have written well, for my part:


Well thank you very much. That is nice and I appreciate the compliment.