Agreed. I am one of those hypocrites. I stand convicted. I do my best. There is more that I can do, and your comment has inspired me to do more. Thank you!
Note: This comment is not sarcasm, the signature line is a self-deprecating sarcasm.
A Tree Hugging Hypocrite
I don’t actually think you are one of those hypocrites because you are more aware than that. It’s the pretending to be holier-than-thou that is my main problem with those kind of people.
Hugging them trees won’t do shit, come plant spruce trees with me here in the Finnish countryside. I promise you it’s no fun.
I am no fan of any group that is fanatical. To me that is cult-like behavior. Whether it be the far-right or the far-left. I have in the past been involved in non-violent activism and some of the folks that I met drove me crazy with their violent behavior.
Sure I get mad about things and I get emotional about things, the current condition of our world especially: Tribalism, fanaticism, nationalism (in the xenophobic sense), pollution of the earth... yes, these things get me upset. What upsets me the most is I do not have any simple answers to these problems and neither does anyone else.
Example: We in America want to save money (especially those of us on pensions).
Fossil fuels currently are cheaper than renewable energy. I just received a piece of mail that gave me the option to use renewable energy instead of fossil fuels to power my apartment. Have not acted on it yet. For me? The responsible thing to do given my views on nonrenewable energy sources, but it would raise my electric bill.
Plastics are cheaper as food containers than is hemp (I think?) Yet, like the little girl's parents in @drakos article; I buy on the cheap at the grocer.
Now yes. I am part of the problem. I could do other things that could help. Yet here is an example of governments (according to the article 33 African Countries) that are acting. That is what I wish for my Country to do. My President might consider them Sh-t Countries (his words not mine), yet they are being proactive concerning a threat to their environments.
The tree-hugger thing? Just a descriptive label for myself I use as I am concerned about the environment. I do not literally hug trees. It is a disparaging label here in America given to environmentalists. I spent a season as a tobacco harvester in Tennessee USA so I am familiar with back breaking agricultural work. I commend you on planting the spruce trees! I am sure they are heavier than tobacco plants.
100% feel the same. I don’t care if it’s veganism, feminism, far-left, up, down, whatever, I’m gonna disagree just because you can never win with those kind of people. Finding balance is never going to cut it, they search for extreme measures.
Overall, I think people (me included) need to mind their own fucking business more than anyone else’s, cause nobody from the outside will never know your whole life, but it’s easy to judge. Maybe someone sees you drinking from a plastic cup every day, but you never fly anywhere. Maybe someone else never uses public transportation but grows all their own vegetables. We just all trying to survive here with our own struggles.
I am familiar with the tree hugger term, we use it in Finland too, I’m just busting your balls for fun.
30% upvote for being a non-partisan logical human being. Must be the water in Finland. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
We have clean water, air and sooooo much pure nature all around us, we got it good here.