The consequences of the success of Bill Gates has indeed been dramatic centralization, and I have previously heard reports that Korea has censored people there very dramatically. I have also heard that video games are being used to target young men, and even criminally prosecuted.
The South Korean government censors and removes stricter texts on the Internet because it is full of pornography.
American senior, you are right. Currently, the Korean government is conducting more severe censorship and deletion because of video sites showing women's nudes.
I had not heard of this case. It is very sad. What is more sad is that the more government censorship and oppression, the more of this kind of crime will happen. This is one thing governments around the world do: make things that are normal more and more illegal, until people become obsessed with them, and the government becomes extremely powerful and oppressive.
You are right. Koreans who oppose the censorship and oppression of the Korean government committed such crimes.
Poor men in Korea are not able to get married, so sex crimes are increasing.
This is also bad for women, who become vapid and worthless; vain and incapable of taking care of their duties in a household, they become thots and eschew marriage and children until in their late 30s and early 40s they lament 'Where are all the good men?'.
It is tragic for society, but makes the government - and it's agents, as well as the powers behind the throne - more powerful.
You are right. Many Korean men pay money and marry foreign women. Korea's hidden reality is miserable.