Man I feel you. I been screaming the same thing but even if it took the one journalist, I am at least happy that attention has been turned and ppl are taking a side against the Saudis. We'll take it, right? Now look at yesterday, 63-37 Senate voting to hopefully stop aid for Saudis in Yemen. YIPEE!! Yes it should have happened faster, yes our priorities as a nation are excruciatingly twisted, but I'll take this fact that there is a recent move in the right direction
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I am no fan of the Government of Saudi Arabia, and agree with you, but the hypocrisy of the Turkish Government to tell on Saudi Arabia for Killing a Journalist is unreal, The Turkish Government arrests Journalists second to China,they have killed Journalists, one American Journalists, not a word was said, and I'm being technical over the intent vs. the outcome, There is alot to not like, How about S.A getting a seat on the Human Riights in the whatever it's called department, that one too is a mind blower