Go out and fill all your gas tanks today, there will be a gas shortage in the next few days.

in #informationwar4 years ago (edited)

The largest pipeline company in the US, has been cyber attacked, and has been forced to shut down to contain the damage. So we loose the two point five million barrels a day transport ability, they have been supplying.

There is a hidden danger here, when the pipeline stops pumping; the tank farms, begin to fill up. Since refineries use crude reflow to cool the process, when the tank farms fill up; the refinery itself must be turned off, which will take a day. Restoring the process takes several days, if everything works perfectly.

When I worked pipeline, we worked until it was running again; to avoid a forced shutdown. The computer controls I added, were not as invasive as modern controls. They also were not as accessible, and with dedicated hard wired lines; weren't subject to external sources of attacks.

Within about 5 days (depending on fill levels in the tank farms), the refineries will be forced to shut down. This will force a significant expansion of the service interruption, and raising gas prices overnight.

It sounds to me like China is trying some international cyber bullying. It only remains for the puppet biden to blame Russia, for a proper boogie-man.

So fill your gastanks, before the gas station
pumps draw on empty storage tanks! It will take time to restore control to these systems, if they did their sabotage correctly!

I would have reset the run pressures to more pressure than the pipe can survive, erased site specific safety data, reset the modens to their lowest vaud rate, erased all memories, and password protected the changes with a random character password.

I'm sure that the actual work was worse than that!

They were smart to stop all of it, before it exploded! As it is, every pump station must be repaired, and they don't have enough repair parts for the entire pipeline system. A pipeline is like the old Christmas lights, they ALL must run for oil to flow!

They will strip the crude collection pipelines to repair the product lines, but this only kicks the can down the road. This is betting that they have enough crude in tanks already to run their refineries, while they fix the crude gathering side....

It is likely that all the pump stations (boosters) will need to be stripped of controls to be returned to the manufacturers for a total refurbishment! Then the manufacturer's JIT (just in time) production method, thanks to government taxes on inventory; will limit the repairs to what they can get from their vendors in china! Since china is likely the source of this cyber attack, parts will be SLOW in coming....

Next, their employee biden will release the strategic reserve, to mitigate a problem caused by his employer; by crippling our military forces!

How the dominoes fall....

Bottom line, better fill up the gas cans too!


For sure, getting gasoline, oil and other related goods is a great idea right now. Buy and hold for the future. The recent hack will have detrimental effects on the economy, not just in the US but for Canada and Mexico as well (and other countries who rely on US refined oil).

True that, this is an act of war, if anyone is interested. If I were directing the attack, I'd hit the electrical grid next, so we need to watch out for that too!


Wow I watched this on the news here in Australia tonight. This will be interesting to watch play out and thanks for some inside knowledge on how things work.

We do indeed live in interesting times...glad you liked this post. I worked pipeline when my Son and Daughter were little. Not the best job in the World, LOL!

This will starve the East coast for fuel, and may double the gas prices soon.

We would need 15,000 tanker trucks to fill this gap!


No way they could move that much by truck.

Especially since they can't make the trip in a day, so they would have to have more like 60,000 trucks to manage it!


Yeah crazy stuff.

I personally believe that those in control here, are helping this destruction to occur!


Thank you for the explanation. I was seeing comments on Twitter about this, but no context or explanation. I think we'll be ok here in Wyoming since we have our own pipelines and refineries, but this will sure make the price jump! I heard that there is also a great national shortage of tanker truck drivers. So that's nice I guess. Welcome to socialism. Get ready for random shortages of just about everything.

Yes, here in Oklahoma you can't spit without hitting a pipeline or refinery; so we'll be fine too. But prices will jump...maybe it was the dnc, and not china!

True that on socialism, been prepping for years. The news stories didn't say why, so I thought I needed to fill in....

Be blessed!


Good to know... Gas prices will go up. How do you think this will affect the price of oil? So far crude price has gone sideways.

I expect to see a 50 % increase, not because it Is warranted; but brcause greed is entering in the price.

Also, it depends on how long it takes to reatart things. If the refineries are forced to shut down, it will get worse.

We will aee just how good the repair crews on the pipeline are! They better be Good....


Yeah it's messed up. There is an attack on energy here in north America. They are cutting off our resources. Same issues here in Canada.

Sorry, it seens that the US, and Canada compete to have the stupidest politicians; and they compete to see who can write the dumbest bills! Right now, I think we are 'ahead'; with a stolrn election, but I'm sure your guys aren't giving up either.

Sadly, both governmemts want us all 90% dead. So every thing yhey do us imtended to kill 9 out of 10 of their Citizens! Understanding this makes their moves obvious, and transparent.


yeah it's messed up
Is an accurate and succinct analysis of this entire mess!

Stay safe, and keep on prepping!


I think we have it worse here. Too many socialists eating up this covid nonsense. Many parts of Canada are still on lock down. Mandated masking and partial shut down where I am still. It's brutal. If this goes on much longer I am considering leaving the country with my family. They are throwing pastors that refuse to shut down their churches in jail.

The government claims that they aren't forcing them to shut down but they have them limited to 10% capacity or 50 people, whichever is less so they are basically closed. We have it better then Ontario which has had a stay at home order for over a month now and they just extended to again.

I'm actually starting to get scared. I wasn't really before, just thought it was all BS and that eventually people would snap out of it but it doesn't seem to be happening on a large enough scale. The more people comply the more they push.

They're mad with power there and down here! They will accept nothing less than total control over every single individual in the country. These socialists are actually fascists, they have a core that demands total power! This used to be defined as insanity, and now they just act like it's good government. Here they have to deal with the Constitution, which was set up originally to limit government. It's doing pretty well for a 250 year old document, but they're desperately trying to destroy it in DC! Right now that's the only thing that stands between them and total power.

So come on down hey, we need more sane people down here too. I just hope it's not too late to avoid blood in the streets! I worried that it might be....

So come on down bring your fishing pole!


"The organization, known as DarkSide, is a relatively new hacking group that Western security researchers say is likely based in eastern Europe, possibly in Russia. The organization created the malicious computer code that resulted in the shutdown, officials said."

Good call on the Russia angle

They always blame Russia, LOL!

If we check close, we will likely find chinese fingerprints; and maybe even link it back to the DNC. They are, after all, the ones that gain power from this!
