It is not an airliner, as the ECM Pod, in the picture proves....
As to what happened to the actual flights...if they existed at all; is that they had to be landed somewhere, and all the passengers on board had to be murdered, to keep them quiet!
But since they murdered all they people in the towers, what are a few more going to bother? It is still murder of innocent US Citizens....
That's some scary stuff. That'd be worse than seeing smithlabs in a dark alley!
Ahh, but you would Never actually see him, ROFLOL! But you are right, this is very scary....
So if you met smithlabs in a dark alley suddenly everything would just go black? lol.
I'LL never tell, LOL! But that is likely....
This whole thing creeps me out! False Flag attacks should Never happen; but have become a political tool! Disgusting problem caused by Evil people, in power.
It's so incomprehensible that people would never believe it could be done. Some kind of mind control?