Man made storms, LOL; but she survived! We used our forrest coverage wisely. In Europe, timber was hard to find, so hulls were as thin as it was safe to make.
Man made storms, LOL; but she survived! We used our forrest coverage wisely. In Europe, timber was hard to find, so hulls were as thin as it was safe to make.
Europe was becoming like China, perhaps, in the 1700's. In other words, cheap or cheaper in order to compete. In the free market, companies can choose to go cheap. In other words, companies have to choose quantity or quality in their products and services. On top of that, globalists and others have been going after the better companies that do try to focus on quality. So, they try to buy up smaller companies. They try to threaten them. They have the central banks. They try to rig the free market, globally, through things like crony capitalism, corporatism, plutocracy, monopolism, cartels, etc. Well, now, on top of that, tech cartels can be added to those lists.
Sadly, some things never change...and History repeats itself!