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RE: Tulsi Gabbard asks for an apology to the Russian agent claims; and when Hillary refused, Tulsi filed a lawsuit!

in #informationwar5 years ago

Hanging IS too good for them, but it is still the best option, since burning at the stake is not done today....



On more like a vampire... Come on. Hillary isn't dead yet? Clear proof. And Michelle Obama is Michael. And of course Epstein didn't kill himself.

I didn't think of that, damn, all my prepping and I didn't think of wooden stakes for the liberals, LOL! I'd better get some soon....


Homie .. zombies, vampires, Bigfoot, it's all on. Fire!!! I got counters for it all.

Don't forget silver. Lol

I'll work on that, LOL!


Don't be lacking homie. He who lack, gets clapped. Buddha blaze.

I could make some quick from some of the brush I have cleared. Wouldn't be real sharp, but who cares about their comfort? I have a small sledge that would make them work just fine, LOL!


Here we go!!! Right!!!