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RE: Still serious questions surface on the Birth Certificate for Barack Hussien Obama. and the lap dog media not only will not investigate, they attack anyone who does!

in #informationwar6 years ago

THAT is what I told you to begin with, ROFLOL!

It is all on the internet, easy peasey; you should try it.

ALWAYS places to shoot, LOL; and there are not too many neighbors, and none too close.



well even if there were any people close by they'd scatter when they saw you comin.

THAT is what a scope is for, ROFLOL!

Besides, what makes you think they would see me coming? I am better than that.... :)

So, do you have space for a practice range?


yeah we have a good spot to shoot, a ravine and behind it slopes up hill. There is also a commercial range 2 miles from us and boy were they going after it yesterday, the mild temperatures and being a holiday and all.

So, when are you getting your 30-06? Then build some AR-15s, and maybe get a 30-30.

You need to get prepping.Rifle, first aid kid, seeds, stored food....


what the?? sir smithlabs..why would I want a 30-06? I don't need anything that big. Why would I want a 30-30? I used to have one of those, shouldn't have sold it darn it! We have about 6 months of food and some heirloom seeds. some guy from up North is supposed to send me some AR's but he hasn't done it yet, can't trust them Okies for nothing.

A 30-06 is a good basic rifle, everyone should have one. I actually use a much heavier rifle myself.

A 30-30 is a good bush rifle, and you should NEVER sell a firearm...ever.

6 months is a good start! The seeds are good to have! store metals, water filtration, firearms, ammunition, and first aid supplies. Then add to the 6 months, and try to double it.

A water source that can be hand powered is preferred, for SHTF.


sir smithlabs, what kind of 30-30? I used to have a Marlin lever action.
I actually have a bolt action 30-06, I think it's a Remington but not sure, it's packed away, I never fired it, someone gave it to me. I used to have a collection of about 30 guns at least, but our house burned down and only one of them survived...but that was decades ago.