As expected the Liberals use the same method that they used in the presidential election to Steal the senatorial election in Georgia! They are so bereft of imagination, that they even had the same voting machine breakdowns at roughly the same time frame, so they could load their extra needed ballots....
So today in DC, while they're still recounting this artificially created ballot in Georgia, Patriots descend on the capital to tell them they are not pleased! So the liberal response is to call in the National Guard, mobilize all the police, instruct the troops to use tear gas against a the peaceful protest and to shoot a couple of women that apparently weren't armed. One of which died, and the other is hospitalized.
Then on the house floor, they criticize conservatives, who are the victims here; for the resulting violence! These are the same people that I've allowed anti theft and black lives matter the burn entire cities to the ground, with the politicians total support.
The Liberals have just tipped their hand, and I fear they've drawn the first Blood; in what looks to me like the next civil war! They're telling Patriots, just shut up, pay your gamma turn over everything you own; in the hopes that they'll take care of you as they say they will....
They are rubbing their hands together right now, and compiling their list of those that opposed them; so when they seize total power, they have a list of people to kill! If anyone is interested; this is exactly what's the National Socialist did in the 1930s, in Germany....
I have been warned by several people that I should be careful what I put on this blog post. They warned me that they'll come knock on my door if I don't toe the party line, they tell me I'll be taking away the middle of the night. That may be the case, but I have to ask myself; is this the kind of country that I want to live in? is it worth giving up everything I hold dear, just for a little security?
I don't believe that it really is a place that would be worth living in, by the time they finish murdering everybody that opposes them. That is exactly what's a Nazis did in Germany. The Nazis were able to disarm the public first, so that will be the Primary focus of these usurpers.
They have apparently already achieve their lifelong dream; of tearing the Constitution into small strips, to use for toilet paper!
I have never favored secession as a solution, but it is preferable the Civil War! I think today we were reduced to those two options, because today with hot air from a lot of pompous idiots; our Republic died oh, and the rule of law was ground under those idiots feet!
I hate to see her die; but the election fraud of the last month has killed our Republic as sure as a shot to the Head! Patriots are no longer represented in Washington DC, in fact according to the mainstream; they're to blame for everything bad in the country, including anything that ever happened anywhere anytime.
Four Patriots died what was a peaceful protest that was ignored! They started their planned shut down of that peaceful protest, by calling in a bomb threat. Then when the people refuse to leave the 'people's house, the police assaulted them using lethal Force! The lady I saw a shot to death, was unarmed; in what Universe can that be justified?
As a side note I saw a lot of people they were very angry with Pence, because he didn't have a magic wand. The objection procedure that a lot of people were counting on, is a very limited scope. The objection would only carry weight, if the state had sent two sets of electors the Congress. An event the only set one there's nothing I can do at the federal level. So don't be angry with Pence, has he had to do that which he hated to do! He was following the Constitution.
So it looks like the best choice might be to leave and set up a separate country, and preference the waiting for the inevitable and having to defend ourselves, and spill a lot of liberal blood!
There are very dark days ahead for anyone that values freedom. And they'll probably read this and come after me. It's a shame we've come to this point, and it's even a worse shame that our court systems have failed us totally!
Be safe and get ready because this is the Tribulation from Revelations! Move to the country oh, that will be the last place destroyed by these scum vermin. It is amusing that when I said 'scum vermin' the speech to text typed in 'government' for me! Now that is speech recognition software....
Seemed like par for the course huh?
Their violent reaction, after refusing access to the 'People's' House, to the people; when those People tried to get access, tells all!
Very telling indeed...So many things to address in your country, so complicated.
I kind of hope it doesn't get fatally simple soon. But I'm sure that the Liberals won't let up oh, won't leave us alone!
It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion. I hope not many die, in the violence they're going to cause!
Yeah, looking at America from the outside is interesting, or should I say a joke.
A very bad joke I'm afraid, it's a mess here! Our founding fathers set it up with the Second Amendment, so that if the government did something like this; we would have the wherewithal to object!
In The Federalist Papers the founding fathers that actually wrote the Second Amendment said it was placed in there too allow citizens to remove the government if it became tyrannical! They went further and saying that it is our duty as free men, to do so. So now it gets interesting!
They say there's 420 million guns in the world, and 80% of them are legally owned in the US....
Road map to civil war you think?
When SCOTUS failed to do its job and even hear the Texas case, it fatally undermined Rule of Law and The Constitution.
Today's violence is a direct result of this destruction of the public's faith in the system.
True, when over 60 lawsuits were not heard for procedural BS, this Republic died! The SCOTUS bears ultimate responsibility, SMH!!!!
What an unholy mess, and their response shows how they plan to handle any wonder they want to violate the Second Amendment!
I believe in trying to stop the steal.
I totally agree! Sadly I think our options for that are limited now. I think we're down to just a couple, that's direct Civil War, or secession....
I still hope we can avoid the first one and I'm hearing a lot more about the second. Sorry once again. there's also a possible third I've heard several people recommend non-compliance of 80 million + people will make the country ungovernable, but I just think that's an entry step too Civil War. I still pray we can avoid blood in the streets!
Not surprised at all about what happened. And very dark times ahead by the looks unfortunately.
Yes, I must speed my efforts to get moved!