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RE: THIS is the logical conclusion to losing the Information War

Since technological advancement is reality, I concur with your assessment that obtuse measures of centralized sociopolitical and socioeconomic control is reaching their limits of utility. In fact, obtuse application of force ought to be only under extreme circumstances, and is usually a symptom of the fraying limits of social control by the authorities.

Some men possess the aptitude, character, and temperment to flourish under social matrix of limited governance. Others, lacking the necessary attributes, destroy not only themselves, but society at large, should sociocultural control be loosened. You can readily observe the consequence of these failures in social control in the ever-increasing number of addicts (drugs, alcohol, gambling, videogames, pornography), intellectual bankruptsy of academia, purposeless youths seeking only to see their society burnt to ashes around them, populist whores in political power, and financial gnomes consumed by greed.

Training the youths to be humans is the single most important duty of sociocultural institutions, now being systematically dismantled by sociopolitical and socioeconomic powers, ruled by unqualified whores and gnomes. What value is freedom for those men whom neither possess the aptitude nor temperment to use it?


I concur with your assessment that people need to be properly educated. It's one of the most vital and obvious traits of people that they have evolved a very lengthy adolescence in order that they can be acculturated for more than a decade before being required to execute adult competence.

What I also note is that that period of intense learning is almost universally spent indoctrinating our youth in order to be profitable slaves, rather than competent adults who can negotiate verminous parasite's and thug's depredations.

I raised my sons by myself to be competent adults, and they do well. However, as you point out they live in a society of people broken on the wheel of extremely counterproductive indoctrination mechanisms, and absent improvement of the general condition may end up suffering the lot of that population.

This is why I work today to create a new economic paradigm that will make the extant societal control mechanisms obsolete, creating powerful incentives for people to eliminate that malign influence on their posterity.

There were challenges raising my sons as a single father working construction full time, and never once leaving them in the care of a nanny, sitter, or any organization. I took them to work with me, and taught them math with a tape measure on the job. They excelled, and when they were old enough to be competent to negotiate their security (pubertal) I enrolled them in normal public school, where they soon realized why I hadn't allowed them to be subjected to the aversion conditioning to learning that modern education is.

The infrastructure development paradigm I am seeking to develop will make that extraordinarily difficult endeavor unnecessary, and make it much easier to raise one's own children oneself while meeting economic needs with facility.

I expect that my efforts are unnecessary, as homeschooling is growing at a rate of 66% YOY last I saw (in the USA), and non-point source production (3D/additive manufacturing) is similarly increasing at an astounding rate.

It is good that I am peripheral to these developments, as they are the keys to freedom. Allowing those 'unqualified whores and gnomes' to indoctrinate our beloved posterity is intended and executed to destroy the aptitude and temperament requisite to people in being free and nominal to meet the challenges of interacting with a society of free people.

I am insignificant in the scope of this evolution of society physics is mandating as technology continues to be expanded in the ways the laws of the universe dictate. What relevance have the venal and predatory laws of men compared to those of reality?

Though it seems hopeless when we see how cultural marxism, predatory crony capitalism, and political presstitutes presently sabotage our futures, they are becoming obsolete. Their power will fade, leaving us only the memory of it, like a fart in an elevator after the doors open.