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RE: #1 Virtue Signaling Gone Wrong! - Emma Stone Faces Gulag Sentence - Stand Trial For Being Accused of "White Feminism".

During the more elegant era of the Terror, she would have been sacrificed at the alter of la Becane. She should thank the mercy of her SJW overlords in sentencing her to mere exile in the gulag.

When the revolution comes, all these SJWs will be lined up against a dull concrete wall and shot. The intellectual prostitutes who willfully advanced cultural suicide of the West will be summarily executed, out of view, in the underground dungeons of the state security apparatus. In some odd sense, it is somewhat tragic that these deluded fools will never get to witness the misery of their longed-for communist workers' utopia because they will be the first to be crushed under the merciless wheel of the revolution.