Duuuuude, I love this show and Patrick McGoohan! How fun!
So, does the genre or style of writing matter - as long as The Prisoner and the Information War is addressed? For example, can the blog post be fan-ficiton story? A review of the show? A non-fiction piece exporing the intersection of infowar & The Prisoner? etc.
Thanks!! This seems super cool.
While the writing can be in any form that you think is fun and/or important to discuss, I will state that the chances of winning are more likely if the post is A non-fiction piece exporing the intersection of infowar & The Prisoner. That was what I was hoping to see as i set up the contest.
OTOH, one could pick a single episode and extract an #informationwar lesson relating to that episode.
@scan0017 asked some relevant questions earlier in the comments!