Anyone else find it funny that a sitting US Senator is about to go to trial for bribery, but that story isn't considered as news by the Ministry of Truth?

Why a U.S. Senator’s Impending Trial Has Democrats Worried

The trial, which centers on a slew of charges surrounding Menendez’s relationship with Dr. Salomon Melgen, a corrupt Medicare fraudster who is also facing charges, has a potential to not only end Menendez’s career but also to tip the balance of the Senate even further in favor of the Republican Party.

"Senate Democrats clearly want to pretend like the Menendez trial isn't happening, but their head-in-the-sand approach won't fly with voters," said Scott Sloofman, press secretary for America Rising PAC, to LifeZette. "Their colleague's corruption trial will cast a pall over the Democratic Party as the midterms approach, and leave a lasting impression of the corruption of the Democratic Party."

Yet an already disprove allegation about "Russian" interference, and the constant accusations of racism leveled against anyone that criticizes the democong is supposedly news?

One might want a reread of Orwell's 1984, paying close attention to the Ministry of Truth, to understand why Fakenews in terms of democrat propaganda is what you see on your TV.


Almost all of the Dhmikrats and Rinos have broken any number of laws. If actually making them OBEY the laws that they write were to become a thing it would be a disaster to them.

it wasn't so long ago that there were public whippings and hangings...
one was punishment for crimes commited and deterrent from repeat offense.
the other was chlorine in the gene pool.

I'm not so sure it was a bad thing.
In fact I think it might have been a GOOD thing and should be re instituted today.


somehow the retributive and incapacitative modes of punishment have become depasse (or whatver the word is)

imagine how horrible it would be to be in a gated community with access to health care, internet, a gym, and all of the amenities..

people PAY good money for that...

I could do w/o the lack of female companionship, the gangs, and the corruption of prison staff ;>

take those off the tour and I'll think about it!

take those off the tour and it'd be a step UP.
People would be banging on the door to get IN.
Don't you have those problems anyway?
You live in Austin don't you?

Your post made me curious, so I went to see what's on the CNN page. Found
"Donald Trump's 57 most outrageous quotes from his Arizona speech".
Couldn't even get to the half of it. Bloody hell, this is not journalism!

newsagg posted the full dialogue of Trump's speech

might be a good post to compare and contrast the CNN page vs the actual page!