How to calm down your liberal friends after The Storm hits and The Narrative drowns

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

...or subtitled Talking your loved ones off the ledge when Hillary goes to jail

I think we are going to see the Swamp Drained within the month

And if that happens, a lot of your family and friends are going to slammed with an acute case of cognitive dissonance. So you are going to have to calm them down AND explain why their made-up political fantasy blew up in their faces...

But don't put it in those terms

I heap hate upon the Left with about 70% of my posting here, but I understand that most people that believe in that nonsense are just brainwashed. Most people are going to be brainwashed in one aspect of our thinking or another; that is the price for being part of a society, and it is a result of our mental evolution (heuristics/cognitive bias).

For myself, I don't see the following discussion as a political discussion, but instead, a method for healing your loved ones after a traumatic event.

People respond to emotions, not facts

If this wasn't so, propaganda wouldn't be effective, and Information War wouldn't be a clusterf*ck of lies that needed to be sorted out with the razor of critical thinking.

So, let's keep in mind the way we are going to heal our beloved when their world blows up.

  • You are going to be OK - This is a message you will have to return to over and over. Your close ones have been lied to repeatedly, and they are going to think the world is over, or ...unconsciously...that they are bad people for having been suckered. This is the primary concern for their mental health.
  • DO NOT LECTURE - Your family and friends aren't going to be in the mood to receive lectures, and you're point here is not to redpill them. It is to heal them. Yes, you are going to have to being up facts (see below), but the facts have to be presented in an emotionally restoring manner, to reinforce the healing.
  • Don't gloat - On one hand, this should be obvious...but we are human creatures, too. Be aware of the impulse for gloating, and brace yourself to heal, which you can't do if you are standing over your loved ones crowing. You want to provide a supporting hand, not a coup de grace
  • This one will be strange (for me) to say - This is slightly off the track, but follows from the last...Don't run around the net attacking people you don't know for their stupidity either. This one will be harder to keep in mind, because we have no connection with them, and no reason to be kind. But, consider that they may have loved ones of their own that may be trying to calm THEM down.
  • Shift the blame to where it belongs - The media and the big social media platforms. Whatever crimes the left/deep state/globalists have committed, it is the media that has intentionally used propaganda methods to keep those crimes hidden away or excused away. Your family members and neighbors would not be brainwashed if the media had not spent the majority of their efforts aiming to do just that.

Revealing the stage tricks -Countering the Narrative

While the main thrust of your healing will be in emotional terms, you will still need facts as a framework for the healing message. Again, you are not trying to convince your loved ones that you are right, and they are wrong, but rather that there is a reason their worldview collapsed. They don't have to agree with it consciously, but having it presented calmly, and in support of their own feelings, will give their subconscious a point to shift their own negative feelings. It will be a life jacket cast into the raging sea!

Keep things simple

People in emotional crisis don't have the mental energy to think. You don't want to pull up charts from The Conservative Treehouse outlining the whole conspiracy. You don't want to present a 200 page thesis. You don't want to give people in grief a logic puzzle.

  • Try to keep things in "two points" mode, or less. The traditional method is Introduction, Support One, Support Two, Support Three, Conclusion...a logic puzzle for people in the throes of rage or self-recrimination. KISS. Keep It Simple, Stupid.
    What I am calling "two points" mode are comparisons and contrasts; show contradictions, double-standards, and lies.
    Example - On election night, the media was flat out lying about Clinton's chance to win the election...(a propaganda technique to depress Trump turnout)

    That same night, they were CRYING when Clinton lost

They had NO TRUTH and they TOOK A SIDE

  • Keep in mind that no one is going to understand the whole Gordian knot of Deep State/DNC/Ministry of Truth conspiracy. Most of US don't have the full picture yet, ourselves! So don't expect those people whose world is collapsing to grasp the intricate networks, front groups, and financial connections that build the whole corruptocracy and just feel better instantly. Aint gonna happen.
    Limit yourself to two or three, easily understood, threads of the knot...ones that you understand and can explain calmly yourself:
    -Financial connections or other conflicts of interest between FBI employees and the Clintons and/or the Democrat Party
    -DNC collusion with the media (see the Wikileaks)
    -Clinton's violation of classified data did her maid have access to classified data?
    -DNC election fraud against Bernie Sanders
    Remember to follow up any point with a reminder that the media never bothered to cover the thread, at all.
    Also remember there are many more threads along these lines; roll your own!

  • Avoid topics that haven't been proven
    -Seth Rich. I think that someone in the DNC had him murdered in retaliation for leaking damaging facts to Wikileaks, yet there is not enough evidence for me to use that.
    -The Las Vegas terror attack would be another thing where there is not enough evidence to expose Deep State corruption

Understand your family members' point of view, and tailor your comfort

Suppose your loved one is subject to certain conpirital theories; if they are predisposed to a certain theory, tie that theory in when your reassurance where it is applicable.
A Bernie Bro is more accepting of the Seth Rich assassination theory than a Hillary supporter would have been.

[Edited and added, with thanks to @everittdmickey] It won't always work.

Some people are too damaged, or have invested too much of themselves into the Narrative.
can be @everittdmickey points out that family members

spiteful...they'd do anything rather than admit I was right and the were wrong.

I think we should try where we can, but realize that we can't always help those who want to remain hateful and resentful at heart.

Start with, and end with, the media

People will need to shift blame. That is a psychological fact. Point them at the source of the lies. Rage has to be used, and it is appropriate that those whose Narrative have caused such a rift in this country be held accountable.

Your goal is to restore the mental health of your loved on, and to give them a reason not to blame themselves.

My Books


I am SOooooo looking forward to the time when the narrative changes from "She Persisted" to "She Resisted" (arrest). :)

good one! ;>

can't I gloat just a little bit?
all these decades that they've been making fun of me.

just a little ?

I am going to wait until she is actually in jail to gloat, she is a slippery snake.

very wise.
I've been hearing "the hildabeast is going DOWN"
for a very long time.
and she hasn't yet.

Consider too that she will probably love prison, throwing Hillary into a facility of women all dressed in orange jumpsuits is like throwing Br'er Rabbit in that briar patch.

I suspect Huma will be right there with her. That muff diet will continue

hey man, this is America, do what ya want to!!

this advice is just for people that dont want to see their relatives throw themselves into the ocean ;>

too late.
most of them are dead now.
spiteful...they'd do anything rather than admit I was right and the were wrong.

goddamn human nature. I probablly should add that element into the main post...maybe a little later (w/ credit to you, mais bien sous)

spare my blushes..
remember I'm a certified card carrying curmudgeon.

Very well written and really good advice . Thank you.

Mind control has brainwashed so many people I bump into. It’s worse then I ever thought it could get. I woke a couple people up by showing them TheNoAgenda Podcast. I’m gonna take ur advice also👍

good! it's going to help us more to give these folks a route back to sanity than it is to take their scalps...that is, for most of them ;>

I have no idea how anyone could ever question the health of Mrs. Clinton, just look at the photo above of her dragging those two large men up the stairs.


I resteemed this, it's hilarious

And if that happens, a lot of your family and friends are going to slammed with an acute case of cognitive dissonance.
The TDS set already has one, that is what TDS is, it would not cause them to come to their senses, it would cause them to go even further afield, I appreciate the effort to talk them off the ledge but we they are way to far gone. They will say Trump is eliminating his political enemies like Hitler, because they already have been programmed to believe he is Hitler, they will just be even more hysterical. They will take to the streets, mark my words.

It's going to be some; I am fully agreed that the antifa/blm trash will take to the streets, uncontrolled by their party liason (who will be scrambling to cover their connections)

but w/o Deep State cover, I think there are a lot of cops that want a little payback for 8 years of lies and betrayal

This article is meant to help out where it can; you and Everitt are absolutely right that it won't work on all.

I do think there is a breaking point to how much bullshit a person can eat and repeat, and I think that the Left/Deep State has pushed past that point already. I just think most liberals arent ready to admit it publicly

Again we go into emotion here; give them something else to hate with more justification, and they may try to rejoin reality

I talked to a friend I haven't spoken to in a while and he started blathering about how Trump was going to get us nuked and this and that, he lives in fricking Vermont, like anyone is going to waste a missile on Vermont! There was no reasoning with him, I had to hang up and then I texted him that I was in a dead zone.

I have had people tell me, when I am found wrong, you can just tell me, "I told you so". But, I have never uttered those words.

They are never helpful.

Further, it is our govern-cement school indoctrination that puts us at such odds with the truth. "Lincoln freed the slaves" is what they were taught, and if they repeated that, they were a good boy or girl. So, challenging that is literally calling them a bad boy/girl.

I have found you to be very self-controlled in our discussions; you may be immune or less affected by some of these impulses.

govern-cement school indoctrination that puts us at such odds with the truth

society ->government -> control -> individual
like I said, groupthink is the normal human pattern

So, challenging that is literally calling them a bad boy/girl.

oh yes, kills that feeling of belonging

Thanks for your valuable post that I ever seen.
It is a message for all steemians.
I will wait for your upcoming post.

Thanks@ stevescoins @Resteem done.

I was just about to get off the internet for a bit, clicked one more post... That was outstanding. I hope you are correct about draining swamps, but even if it is just one person at a time, the awakening is gathering speed and your advice is spot on.
I was loving the post, then saw your LaVoy brand. Thank you, that is a "cut above" average truther.


I havn't updated my LaVoy information for awhile, and there have been a lot of updates since then, although mostly dealing with the Bundys.

But the Bundys turn out to be the root cause of Finicum's murder...*somebody in the government wanted blood after the public bloody nose the deep state took at the Bundy ranch

wow, just looked almost a year now

I keep praying the truth will come out about all the corruption.

Our PurposeCurated for #informationwar by @stevescoins Relevance: human cost of #informationwar

also good job.
i love it.
very much
thanks for sharing.
best of luck!