considering the amount of money that facebook took from the Russians to spread BLM propaganda, and the conflict-of-interest issues surrounding the "collusion" investigation, I will just laugh at your silly Memory Hole attempts to suppress information the DNC hasn't previously approved
The term "The Day of The Rope", does not belong to white supremacists, it belongs to the American people...
Liars and traitors may want to keep that in mind
When I started FFRnews a few weeks before the 2016 presidential election I experienced growth of over 50 new followers daily. After the call to stop the spread of "fake news" Facebook stopped permitting me to advertise and limited the reach of my posts. It got to the point where it was not worth posting any longer. This is why platforms like Steemit are so important. Blockchain technology, that seemingly can't be censored, is going to change the world.
very well said. I'm wondering if I should devote more time to recruiting new Steemers
That's because of pressure from idiot Democrat politicians pressuring them to investigate imagined Russian interference.
HANLON’S RAZOR doesn't apply to leftists ;>
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
what about the maliciously stoopid?
leftist cult-voters, not the leftists themselves ;>
Hey, @richq11 , here's the fellow you were looking for!
Wow, just wow. Just the other day my friends account got flagged and he's not the type to post lots of things, or anything questionable. He was at the Bundy ranch though and he was going to testify for them in court.
Facebook told him he needed to send them I'd verification though, so he had to create a new account. Because that's always a better option than giving Facebook more than they already have..
Did they produce a list of accounts and users with their offences or was it just a purging something like a drone strike.. doesn't matter if they took out a few innocent civilians as long as they stopped the bad guy? And as if that will stop it, they will just make a new account and do it all again. Fucking Facebook
I think they're going into overdrive b/c I'm betting The Memo is as good as the repukes are selling it.
Tell your buddy Good Work for me! (for the Bundy participation)
get him on Steemit, too!
I was at the stand off, but I was unarmed so I was insignificant I guess lol.. easy prey if things had went bad but it was a worthy cause. I will try to get him on, he is not big on social media though we both used to be on the daily Paul website all day every day so if he finds the right spot and the right people he might like it here. I have found the libertarian / anarchism / anti fakenews wing to be quite powerful here.
unarmed is even braver (I won't say smarter LOL)
steemit started with the most of the whales on the libertarian / anarchism side of things; should help to keep the user base that way.
the good thing about that weighting is that there wont be downvoting to save the Narrative
I create lots of accounts. I do it deliberately so that Google, Twitter and Facebook have trouble keeping track of what I do.👍
I think they just run scans on keywords and associations to put accounts on a list. something else we should research
just think what we could do if a few of us got the review job ;>
Beep! Beep!Ooh-Rah!
Comment by @inthenow. This is a opt-in bot. @shadow3scalpel at your service. I am here to assist all military members on Steemit. This HumVee will be scouting posts from a list of Veterans that is maintained by @chairborne. If you are a Veteran and new to Steemit, and you have questions or want to join the Veterans community, reply to this comment. We got your six, unless you are in the rear with the gear.
For some reason, I think liberals read George Orwell's work and thought it was a how-to manual for running the government. I definitely agree that it is the pot calling the kettle black.
Then there is the fact that the US government is well known for interfering in the elections of other countries themselves. Even if Russia did do something, are they just mad because Russia did it better or something?
And on the whole interference thing, the leftist media had tried to give the impression that the Russians "hacked" the election or stole it implying that they somehow directly tampered with votes, which is not the case.
If anything, the Russians may have used media propaganda to sway opinion. But, isn't that what all campaign ad and TV commercials and heck, CNN and the NY Times do?
Even if the Russians were behind the DNC server hack and releasing that information, what are they REALLY guilty of aside from giving people the truth in order to make an informed decision. That's still better than what the democrats and the leftist propaganda artists in the media give us.
there is so much wrong with the democong Narrative that only one of their gullible cultists would buy it ;>
That's because of pressure from idiot Democrat politicians pressuring them to investigate imagined Russian interference.considering the amount of money that facebook took from the Russians to spread BLM propaganda, and the conflict-of-interest issues surrounding