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RE: More anti-family propaganda...Cartoon girls kissing now.

in #informationwar6 years ago

I agree, children are impressionable and they should not be railroaded into one way of thought. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by preserving innocence? Showing children healthy relationships seems like the best way to prepare them for adult life. Of course overly sexual relationships are not appropriate for children, but in this case the cartoon is just two adults kissing.

In terms of epigenomic expression I don't think that small reductions in testosterone are necessarily bad. Testosterone triggers a lot of bad biological processes, and the good ones it targets have to do with building muscle. With the future consisting of more and more automated 'hard-work' I don't think having large musculature will be an important human trait.


I mean the innocence as in allowing them to formulate their own opinion. The cartoon shows one side. How many heterosexual relationships were portrayed as healthy?

Homosexuality does not conform with natural law. You may believe that science will fill the gap yet it cant create a spirit. Reproduction is the pinnacle of biological existence. Genetic manipulation doesn't hold a candle. These scientific wonders are pushed in the name of progress while hiding the safety of longterm analysis.

I am a spirit that has a body. How do you know morality without an example? Without a conscience that just happened by accident. There are so many accidents across the stars that must support your arguement.

Testosterone has many positives as well. Protection, leadership, steadfastness. Many times in history we used testosterone to preserve liberty. Many things can be used for both good and evil. That is what makes anything so powerful in this existence. The requirement of morality moves in the best direction in the name of true progress.

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