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RE: When I made this they were only doing three shots

in #informationwarlast year

You sure are a sight for sore eyes. I miss not seeing you around anywhere.

I don't have an autoimmune disease, at least not that I know of. I never got any of the shots. I told my mom not to get any and she wouldn't listen to me, she was dead within six months, my aunt, she was dead within three days. My son's girlfriends family, a lot of them got the shot, there were a lot of elderly in her extended family, up until they took the vaccine every year they were the ones who put together the annual tradition of renting a hall for Christmas Eve where everyone got together, brought food and planned games. After they got the vaccine they were too sick to do it anymore and started dying off within a couple years. They haven't had a Christmas Eve reunion since before covid. Sad really how it's changed so many lives.

You coming back to hive or were you just popping in, where you been hanging at?


I've been on Gab a lot but they took away the ability for free users to upload pictures so I have been considering switching back to hive. I'm glad you didn't get the shots. I'm pretty sure they killed my father in law

Yeah it was Basyton, I wasn't over there but a few minutes and ran across this post:
I'm sure everyone is sick of hearing about gab and andrew torba, in saying that however, gab, specifically andrew torba claimed porn was eradicated with the "freeloader purge".

The closest thing i have seen to porn on gab is this image, AFTER "the purge" and dozens more like it.

I'm not a prude (so calm down) I realise this isn't technically porn, but come on, I was called a whore and kicked from a group for even asking if there is a female only group where i could share a lingerie photo to get other womens thoughts as i lost all my friends because of covid.

This just pisses me off so much.


I am really sorry to hear that. Life has changed so much it's unreal.

I read somewhere, I think it was on Bastyon, of a lot of people moving off Gab disgruntled by changes being made over there. I hope you return, give me a reason to stick around, sure isn't the money, lol. Let me know where you land if you leave Gab.