the use of the so called pyschologists for legal or political warfare is as old as the world...
one good trick is to introduce a partener to an addictive substance in an homeopathic way and then to the withdrawal...
so the victim has mood swing without understand how it is possible...
like you know if the psychologist industry doesn't know about whitedrawal but use it to tell guilible there are sick...
we are at late stage form of civilization, don't worry much it's plagues time, soon new version of ncov + carnivore swarm of locusts...
and in all event never ever dare to trust the "legal judicial system", it's all giant scam everywhere, which only goal is to foster revenues for leeches...
look at how michael flynn is being treated... it's the most obvious.... ask your peers for help and try to find a solution acceptable to all in those cases... most of the time admit your failing
and if you get cornered into a divorce court, fucking flee, change jurisdiction without extradiction and you are safe...
like when swedish child rapists supporter wnat to take your kids to give them to child rapists, move to russia... game over for the proud virulent aggressive swedish "cops" because there are russian border guards (And they will shoot to kill... without even NKVD helpers :D).