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RE: The Hammer is About to Drop on these Traitors to the American People in the Dems who think that the Law and Constitution does not Apply to Them !

Hillary probably has way too much dirt on everyone. I honestly doubt she will even go down, but let's see what happens.

Whatever happens, just remember this:


  1. SHE DID NOT WIN!!! (yay!) and most of power connections are neutered...
  2. They 'done shot their wad' on trying to implicate TRUMP with anything.
  3. Looks like the public at large is behind Trump, and future attempts to smear him will likely fall on Deaf Ears ;)

Yes thats so right @underground, like you say they have pulled every underhand trick available to them to smear Trump and bring him down to their bottomfeeding level ! Nothing has worked as we have seen 1 Yes they have shot their full laod and all over your countries beautiful Constitution, but their stain will be gone once they are washed out of American politics forever !!