thanks to blackstone intelligence network for great video
I read an article about John Mc Cain the other day on Steemit .
I thought i'd post this video about John "the canary" Mc Cain and his links to George Soros and his handlers theRothschilds.
The illuminati and pushing even harder for One World Governance often called NWO..
They see themselves as the gods and us as their slaves. many of the small fry have been on show at the royal Wedding today in UK.
This rot goes deep. Crypto and blockchain can challenge this curruption. We are on the verge of something big..
They are trying to destroy the idea of nation state and the societies contained within them!!!
Watch the video, it's current and very good..
thanks Blackstone from me also...
I lived in Arizona for 38 years...never met anyone who voted for McCain, or at least fess up to the filthy act.