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RE: What Is The Value Of Gold And What Will It Do In The Future

in #informationwar2 years ago

Not sure Gold will go away as a monetary value. I think it will be used for a lot of various high tech components and shielding for various space craft. There is a value for it as a commodity.

Now is the price way too high? Yes, because there is a lot more gold hidden away than what as "artificially scarce". Also there is a ton of gold in off planet mining operations that could be started on asteroids and such, and further there is a ton of natural resources in Antarctica that have not yet been accounted for or mined.


Gold, as a monetary metal will go away.
Not sure how fast because timing relies on a few inventions.

One invention will be to vibrate gold out of the ground.
Basically, gold becomes almost as plentiful as sand in a desert.
Just go get yer shovel.

The other invention is based on creating true money.
Imagine the difference between bitcoin and the dollar.
Now, there is a step, just as wide, from bitcoin to what i can best describe as true-money (unfortunately, there is a step beyond that...)

Now, while gold is still a monetary metal, its price is WAY!!!! to low.
So, at some point the manipulation ends, and gold skyrockets.

Be sure to trade it for real stuff when it does skyrocket.

If the supply is artificially low and they have more ways of extracting it, why would the price go up not down?

Its timing.

The price goes up because "gold standard" and the manipulation gets removed.

The price goes down because "hey look, free gold" and only the bad guys have tons of gold, lets not deal with them any more.