You all deserve to know the truth. I am going to continually talk about this until some big influencers start talking about it.
Everytime Andrew Torba makes a post on Gab about cryptocurrency of banking stuff I am calling him out for supporting Bitcoin. He claims banks keep banning them from using their services, so why the fuck are you using bitcoin??? So he does all this work in order to fucking make "alt-tech" platform for free speech, and figures out how to do this all and run servers blah. But he can't be bothered to learn anything about bitcoin, the one crypto he accepts as payment?
People are extremely misinformed about what Bitcoin was and is currently. Bitcoin was a project stated anonymously by "Satoshi Nakamoto", which was a person or group of people who are speculated to be many different people or the CIA/FBI honeypot trap. Whether it was some real anarchist person or not it doesn't matter anymore. Bitcoin is as establishment as you can get in the crypto world. The last 5 years Bitcoin dev team has been BANKER OWNED evidence seen here ->
Tons of info and resources here
EDIT: got some more good info and links from someone to add
Gab is not the only place covering this up...just try finding mention of it on Leo finance!
...Most people are blind to anything that will interrupt with their visions - 'altruistic' avarice! lol
I wonder who hive is owned by? lol
I totally own hive!
Well, reimburse me then! lmao.
Consider it done! But only consider it, it might not actually be done.
Let's not kid ourselves - you can tell many people as much as you want - they won't be interested. Decentralization? Real control? Fiddlesticks. In the end, it's all wording that obscures the one true goal: $$$$
There is no other way to explain the BNB hype. And then some people portray CZ as the rebel of the little man. I can only shake my head. But yo, in the end we help ourselves to all the disadvantages of cryptocurrencies, do without the advantages and live poor and together as eternal worker bees. I can already hear the eternal Ikea calling.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I updated my post with some great links at the bottom for a good history of it all.
Hey, if like 10 to 100 people read this over the next few years I will be happy with that <3
We knew the bitcoin core team was no good for a long time, it's why there is Bitcoin Cash. BCH would have never been created if people supported the core team.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Exactly! I also am editing this post to include some great links that have TONS of info about it. Check em out