Trump is heavily connected to Israel, as I understand, yes. He was bankrupt a few years ago and there is a video from before he was President of a high ranking banker stating that he was 'worth more alive than dead' to the banks. In other words, they saved him - for their own reasons. The banking groups and others have often held a view that Israel is their tool/space in the 'middle East' - whether that be to help them gain access to oil or for other reasons. They appear to think that the arabic groups are too different from the to deal with and that the Israeli Jews are more like themselves, perhaps. There are also pseudo-religious reasons too and family ties.
I have long said that Trump is a psychopath - in fact, such a textbook psychopath that many professionals have spoken out about his mental health problems. Unfortunately, his diseased state of mind is so common in America that many refuse to notice, since to notice would mean realising that they too are also mentally ill.
The Security Council must intervene in the Trump decisions
Destruction and death must stop
We in Palestine every day suffer and kill our children because of the unjust Trump decisions
Thank you my friend for your outstanding response
He really is a patient myself
I do not think that any international body on that level has the guts or will to do anything useful for our world. Any organisation that wields power on the world level will be targetted for control and corruption by those who intend to dominate the planet - this must be understood by all if we are to make real changes. As long as we are putting our power and faith in the hands of others to act for us, we are doomed to be without the power we need.
I do agree though that the problems in your region can be stopped by those outside of the region, however, it will be part of the ongoing process of transformation and healing which is sorely needed in most parts of the planet and it is possible that it will take quite some time. We are dealing with millions of unconscious people who are sending their children off to military schools to be trained to kill and die without question. To do such a thing requires absolute disconnection from reality and real feelings - this is the real problem. The emotionality of the arabic people is one part of why they are targetted.. Sadly, a great deal of 'humans' actually hate and reject their own emotions and seeing emotions in others, even in response to seeing buildings and loved ones torn apart by bombs, is enough to trigger their psychopathy to heartlessly attack those who are suffering even more! The answer is not to control or deny emotions though, instead the need is to heal on all levels - which includes opening to receive God directly - not via the alleged medium of any kind of religion.
It'd be nice if youngsters were taught about Natural Law and were then able to live their lives accordingly.