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RE: The Great Prof. Jeffrey Sachs Breaks Down The Facts & My Thoughts Daily-Look 1-15-25

in #informationwar2 months ago (edited)

Taking the last first.

" are an expert in East Asian history..."

I am not, but find my E. Asian friend's efforts to explain it edifying, and his work to do so in English inspirational.

Not really sure what you're driving at, or why you think it matters, but you do you.

"Hardly a strawman since you pointed out only 1 of these 4."

While I only mentioned the one, the illuminati also isn't a topic I tackle. You wanna blame people for posting about those things, find people that post about those things to blame for them. However, one strawman is one too many logical fallacies, especially for someone calling themselves logic, and you can keep your strawmen to yourself. You have a problem with what I post, you're actually welcome to comment on my posts. If you have a valid criticism I'll even upvote you and share the author rewards with you for your trouble.

I much prefer being schooled and edumacated to being paid.

"Provide evidence of threats."

Here's what you said:

"You better stick to writing opinions..."

Given your track record the only way to interpret that is you're going to get all flaggy on my posts if I don't. That's a threat, and a credible threat.

"Provide evidence of censorship."
"Do you understand how the Hive blockchain works and that it is technically impossible to censor anything on the blockchain?
No one is able to stop anyone from creating and publishing content."

Ok. Let's start with the definition of censorship.

"The term censorship refers to the suppression, banning, or deletion of speech, writing, or images..."

So, you seem to think that because information can't simply be permanently eradicated off the blockchain, that means censorship can't exist on the blockchain, but that's not just a misunderstanding on your part, it's actually impossible.

The No Hiding theorem in physics states that information cannot be deleted from the universe, not even by falling into a black hole. So, your claim that only complete eradication of information is censorship is false. It's fake news. It's not even physically possible. According to that definition there is NO CENSORSHIP in the whole universe, which, of course, is utterly ridiculous.

Censorship is any suppression of speech. You are a censor. That's what you do. You suppress speech, by financially harming people that speak in ways you don't like. You've tried to censor me already by threatening me with that financial harm. Flags are censorship.

Now, I've politely met your demands. How about you meet mine?

Quit wrecking the library of content that draws users to Hive. Quit driving people posting stuff that interests them off Hive. Grow Hive instead.

Recently Odysee, that has been enabling content posted on Youtool to be mirrored on Odysee, creating a Yuge library of content there that I like because I despise Youtool and will never, ever have a Goolag account to be able to upvote and comment there, found that Youtool disabled the API or whatever allowed folks to mirror content there on Odysee, and all content now has to be manually uploaded to Odysee.

I was really bummed, because that threatened the library of content that is the prize I go to Odysee to get. Fortunately, Odysee users have been manually uploaded that content, even though it added more work to their day to do so, and I am grateful because it keeps Odysee useful.

Make Hive useful like Odysee is useful. Help it to grow a library of content that people can come here and access without having to go to any other platform.

That's how to make Hive grow.

Edit: BTW, I go to Odysee because the content I want to see ISN'T ON HIVE. I'd stay here if I could, because I can financially encourage content providers here, and decentralize media, which is a goal of mine. Overlords suck. Free people rule, and I'm going to fight until I die to eliminate parasitic overlords and enable free and independent people to have the wealth and power they merit. A quick glance shows that decentralized media and means of production are developing and dispersing across the population of the world.

That means I'm winning. Join me, and be a winner too.


Ok. Let's start with the definition of censorship.

A definition quote is not evidence.

Censorship is any suppression of speech. You are a censor. That's what you do. You suppress speech, by financially harming people that speak in ways you don't like. You've tried to censor me already by threatening me with that financial harm. Flags are censorship

Provide evidence of this

Also, provide evidence of threats. I already asked. You have not done it so yet.

While I only mentioned the one, the illuminati also isn't a topic I tackle. You wanna blame people for posting about those things, find people that post about those things to blame for them. However, one strawman is one too many logical fallacies, especially for someone calling themselves logic, and you can keep your strawmen to yourself. You have a problem with what I post, you're actually welcome to comment on my posts. If you have a valid criticism I'll even upvote you and share the author rewards with you for your trouble.

You have actively engaged in conversations about these topics (qAnon and Illuminati) on many different posts published by other users, positively confirming their conspiracy stories and contributing to the spread of these stories.
Not that I care what kind of delulu nonsense you engage in. I find it entertaining.

"A definition quote is not evidence."

Then evidence does not exist.

"Provide evidence of this"

Ironically, then (because you deny a definition by a law dictionary is evidentiary), I will point to debanking, banning, and blacklisting across institutional hierarchies as mechanisms that use financial harm to pre-emptively prevent speech - exactly as what you have claimed cannot be done on the blockchain. People that cannot be here cannot post here. You can just deny this is happening, as you prefer, but it happens just the same. You can say 'Just make your own bank, media, platform.' These are ways to overcome censorship, not evidence of lack of censorship, however.

We engage, which builds not only our understanding and rapport, unlikely as that may seem, but Hive. Good.

"You have not done it so yet."

No U! isn't an argument.

"...on many different posts published by other users..."

I do engage people.

"I find it entertaining."

We are in agreement. I do not recall previously agreeing with you. I am glad to now. We don't have to agree, in fact cannot agree on everything, to beneficially engage. It is because we don't agree we can, and that is the basis of social media.

Edit: I am pressed for time, as I must detect my thumbs with a hammer.