When act and rhetoric are incompatible, it is advised one consider act as informative, and rhetoric as obfuscatory. During the run up to HF21, I continually discussed these very matters, to resounding silence or ridicule. Now we are seeing what the actual consequences of HF21 are, and Bernie reveals his opinion of the community openly.
Given the circumstances, the obvious effects of handing Bernie 25% of his VP for free flags are apparent on this post. The affect that will have on your motivation to post here is not cryptic, and multiplying that affect across the community isn't either. While the rhetoric discussing HF21 was about creating incentive to 'invest in Steem', and 'mass onboarding', it is clearly of the opposite impact, and an act that reveals the purpose of the liars that misled us regarding their purpose.
The Steem blockchain contains a great deal of evidence of criminal and tortuous acts committed by Bernie particularly, and the best way to dispose of that evidence is to remove any financial incentive to maintain that evidence - to end payment to the witnesses that encourage them to undertake the expense of hosting the blockchain. This may be existentially important to Bernie, who possesses a significant portion of extant Steem.
The phrase 'Your money or your life' comes to mind. You, your Steem, posts, and opinions, are of no import to Bernie, except as impediments in his quest to prevent being held to account through legal action. When you see that consensus witnesses are ending their maintenance of the blockchain, you will know Bernie is succeeding. I strongly recommend that those that have been harmed in ways legally actionable download and retain a copy of all relevant data, to preserve the evidence.
It won't be long now before participation in Steem social media drops off a cliff. The motivations for participation are all but eliminated, and the persistence of those of us that are motivated by other rewards than financial will not survive the loss of the community seeking financial reward.
Act as appropriate to your circumstances, per the real situation extant, rather than the rhetoric of whales.
Hear! Hear!