Hubris is a plague of science, particularly. When SARS2 first came to my attention, I was alarmed similarly to how I was affected by 9/11. I watched China crush it's people, and began looking at papers coming from respected journals about SARS2.
It looked terrible. The researchers were reporting symptoms like airborne AIDS, sterility for men, indefinite latency in nerve cells, and asymptomatic transmission for weeks, with a death toll ~10%. I posted what I found, to my present chagrin. I have gone back and looked at some of those early papers, and lo and behold, all the names of the authors were Chinese.
While I am very glad to learn I was misled and SARS2 is far less terrible than I was told by scientists, I am angry that I was misled, and very aware of the principle you are discussing here. Many folks that think they are smart will not change their minds once they have made them up, because that would mean they'd have to admit they were wrong before. Hubris leads them to stand by false statements they have to remain in denial are false in order to protect their egos.
Rational folks, actual scientists, don't do that. When they find out they're wrong instead of trying to hide the fact, they quit being wrong, and change their mind. That requires acknowledging they've made mistakes. It requires humility.
That's the difference between scientism and hubris, and science and humility.
As angry as it makes me to admit it, I have been tricked by propaganda from the CCP posing as scientific research, and I hope anyone that was fooled by the false research I posted has read my more recent discussions and also changed their minds.
And even when results seem "too good to be true" they retain a healthy skepticism.
Tinfoil covered conspiracies! LOL
I liked their thought process,
"What would it take to fake the result, and who are the people who are smart enough to pull it off?"