The new government that directs the destinies of the country, must be truly nationalist, which is essential to generate confidence in the internal and international
SECOND MENDOZA | (CNP 5718) - In Venezuela, according to the definition of M. Bovero, today governs a "Kakistrocracia", that is, the government of the worst, because those who direct the regime, exhibit without shame their human misery, with acts of the worst they only generate death, backwardness, misery and oppression.
This is the analysis of the doctor in Constitutional Law and former candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, in 2006, Jesus Caldera Infante, who formulates this rationing, after installing the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), an instance that he considers as "an instrument of revenge and persecution that will aggravate the social, economic and political situation of the country to establish a communist system against the Constitution of 1999 where, a resounding political minority in complicity with a military lodge, which follows the guidelines of the Cuban government, seeks to deprive its essential freedoms to the immense majority of Venezuelans who reject such a fraudulent maneuver ".
Servitude and servility
And is that the totalitarianism of old and new, within which applies to its wide, that of Nicolás Maduro and his accomplices of the military leadership -precise- use political power as a mechanism of domination to subject the population to the condition of servitude and servility, under the weight of the hegemony of an unjust and cruel order, through the gestation of poverty (deprivation of food), the neglect of diseases (deprivation of medicines) and the promotion of death (threats and suppression of life) in the context of biopolitics (power to control the life of the person) and tanatopolitics (based power or as an instrument of death) of what M. Foucalt spoke to us.
What supports Maduro in power?
For the Venezuelan dictatorship led by Maduro, terror and, above all, death are the basis for sustaining power, giving rise to a sinister and cruel Tanatocracy that segregates, tortures, represses, humiliates, assassinates and violates fundamental human rights in a systematic and massive as confirmed by the UN Human Rights Council this week. In addition, it disrespects human dignity and truncates valuable life plans and prevents the human flowering of Venezuelans submerged in terror, misery and frustration.
Ese régimen, conducido por personas que exhiben sin rubor su miseria humana, con actos de la peor ralea, solo produce muerte, atraso, miseria y opresión dando lugar a una KAKISTOCRACIA, es decir, el gobierno de lo peor, parafraseando la definición de M. Bovero.
How to face the current crisis that Venezuela suffers?
One of the tasks of the new government that replaces the one of Maduro, is the one of attending the satisfaction of the fundamental rights of the Venezuelans, which must be the priority. Our first. It is urgent to invest in the solution of the unsatisfied basic needs of our brothers immersed in poverty, misery and oblivion. Our commitment is Venezuela
Hence the need to change this government that prefers to be well with the large international bank, paying external debt (much of it illegal) while our brothers die of decline for lack of food, medicine or killed with impunity.
While we are in humanitarian crisis the premise must be one: The rights of Venezuelans first, the interests of bankers later. Renegotiate a moratorium on the payment of external debt is urgent but this will not be possible while the dictatorship seeks to impose the fraudulent Constituent.
What characteristic should a new government have?
It must be truly nationalist, which is essential to generate confidence in the internal and international and can be negotiated with foreign creditors, achieving a suspension of payment of external debt, because otherwise Venezuela will enter a situation of social and economic collapse as certain African countries have experienced in the recent past.
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