I'm sorry to disagree, but I don't think so. Chavez did not nationalize the oil industry in Venezuela, in fact, the oil is controlled by the State since 1976, when the then President Carlos Andrés Pérez officially nationalized it. Those who governed at that time, are those who today oppose the government, the "opposition", which is also socialist, like Chávez and Maduro, although less radical. So it is false that the United States is against Chávez for the nationalization, because Chávez did not nationalize oil in Venezuela.
Nor is it true that the United States has destroyed the Venezuelan economy, on the contrary, the invasion of Iraq and sanctions against Iran helped raise the price of a oil barrel by giving Venezuela an amount of money never seen before in history of the country. The "chavismo" in 20 years had more income for oil than the whole country in the previous 40 years.
The Venezuelan government had a lot of money, and because of its absurd administration, as is to be expected of a socialist government, the crisis was created. The crisis in Venezuela began, slightly, in 2010, before the United States did anything, and it became completely aggravated for 2013, and US interference in the country, which is regrettable, began, with minor actions, in 2015.
It is worth mentioning that the United States was the largest buyer of Venezuelan oil throughout the Chavez government.
I am opposed to the intervention of the United States in Venezuela, because I believe that it is totally harmful, however, the collapse of Venezuela is solely due to the government, its mismanagement, its corruption, its ineptitude, its incapacity, but above all, the absurd failed system that they tried to implement.