A satirical video that overdubs fiery rhetoric of Adolf Hitler (in German) over a speech given by student activist David Hogg at Saturday’s “March for our Lives” in Washington has earned it a warning to would-be viewers on YouTube.
We don't want to offend the precious little snowflakes in their spaces on school campuses now do we? I think this warning was put in place so school computers would block this video and students would be unable to share them on campus or any other public wifi or network. Of course plenty of students can share them on their phones but how long before apple, google and samsung start blocking this kind of content on their phones as well.
It clearly seems to me that there's a major effort to stop any kind of criticism of these 'student actors' that appear to be being groomed by the liberals and the main stream media to push a new wave of anti-gun legislation. I call them student actors because they are clearly getting compensated with paid travel expenses, hotels, food, etc to do interviews and speeches around the country.
In fact, millions have poured into this movement from hollywood and liberal organizations. Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords's organization paid the travel expenses of 200 students plus teachers and parents from Parkland FL to protest the 2nd amendment in Washington DC this past weekend. Clearly not a grassroots movement and probably a lot of these kids don't have a strong enough stance against the 2nd amendment that they would pay their own way to DC. I heard the protest was 90% adults not in high school kids. Clearly staged and not a real movement. It was funded by hollywood and looked like a hollywood production with a the huge stage and props everywhere.
Source: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/broward/article206280259.html
Source: https://www.libertyheadlines.com/youtube-puts-warning-satirical-video-david-hogg/
Fuck David Hog right in the pussy!
re steemed!
You may want to check out one of my recent post about the subject!?
Why identity politics sucks Gorilla Ass & liberals are making Themselves Retarded
Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
Relevance: Video Curation
Our Purpose
I already uploaded it to DTube.
Just in case it gets definetly deleted.
simple solution put the label on all videos and content, that way there is no prejudice...all are labeled viewer discretion advised...
WARNING!!!! life may not be fair! you may get hurt!
Agreed, anything and everything can be white elephants.
Hogg is such and idiot. I like your video clip it is funny and hell!!!
That video is hilarious. Is this individual truly a high school student because he seems older?
There's photos of someone strikingly similar looking to Hogg and that person is 25.
Simply amazing. Watching David Hogg reading his angry speech does remind me of a Hitler youth. "We call BS" indeed! @ironshield
It is good to show everybody what Hogg and others say. They said that if we give them an inch, they'll take a mile. The girl said that. They will not stop until they kill all of us.
Fuck YouTube
New info on the Parkland kids. Girl in basement has family members who are also government affiliated. Wanted to share this, as more info keeps coming about the people involved with the Parkland event.
Welcome To Parkland - David Hogg's Greatest Hits (Large Cache of Compiled Videos Related to Parkland Student Actors) - Plus Additional New Information
it's going to be really hard putting a stop to this..
YouTube is in bed with Hitler, too.