Back In 2014 English MET officer ( now whistle blower) John Wedger uncovered one of Englands Largest Pedopgile Sex Trafficking operations and has had his whole private and work life torn apart because of his persistence to pursue the elite criminals behind it.
Wedger was formerly told to shut his investigation down due to not enough funds
When Wedger pushed the investigation he was told by high up officials if he wanted to keep his job and family safe he would " shut his F**king mouth and drop it"
Wedger reveals how the Pedophile Sex Trafficking Network goes right to the top and has had one victim come foraward revealing he was an underage sex slave who was picked up by men in a white rolls Royce taken away sexually abused, tortured and left for dead.
Wedger claims due to a loop hole many of the trafficking pedophiles live on boats in canals and keep off the radar and easily move the children along the water ways steering clear of authoritities..
A must watch hearing of wedgers testimony is linked below: he was apparetbly due for an exclusive interview with Tommy Robinson before Tommy was Jailed.
Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Pedogate
Our Purpose
That's a fascinating video of Mr Wedger speaking out. Obviously, the question will arise (in some people's minds) of how far what he says can be relied upon.
Well, it seems that he really was a Met Police officer - he turns up in this story from 2005.
And some bright spark had the sense to FOIA the British Government's Home Office, who have confirmed that Wedger's internal report exists - and they aren't going to release it.
So the core elements of his story are true. Very interesting.
I have no reason not to believe it...why would the guy put his own family and career at risk to make stuff up? Frightening stuff