From Proof of Work to Proof of Poisoning, the Zeitgeist of 1776 is Returning

in #informationwar3 years ago

Revolt is percolating to the surface of human consciousness as humanity realizes what has been done to them and that it was intentional (specifically the bioweapon-vaccine, but more than that) at the highest levels of corporatism. That’s not news anymore, but it was “conspiracy theory” when I was warning about depopulation years ago and even predicted the coming collapse of fiat currency - note the year in the title of this article.

2022 was the long awaited year in which the financial collapse which hasn’t quite happened yet (my best estimate is that by Oct 1, 2022, many pension systems around the world fail) brings about a massive wave of social change because most fiat currencies become worthless and unable to hold social agreements together. This is the only hope that has any chance of breaking the back of the parasitic leach seeking control over all of us. Unfortunately it will also be painful if it is successful. What I alluded to in that article that’s 4 years old, is that we have to worry about what fills that power vacuum post collapse.

I was primed for the discovery of the depopulation agenda in 2012 with the help of Kevin Mugur Galalae in his book “Killing us Softly”. What I didn’t know before then was that eugenicists didn’t all die off in 1947 and that the control structure just went underground at that time with Planned Parenthood seeking to limit births (to limit population growth) and Big Pharma attempting to seek control over life spans (so that Social Security doesn’t go bankrupt prematurely). That same year there was a creepy Olympic ceremony that showed us before hand that a plandemic was coming 8 years later (that giant black figure holding a syringe)…

Olympic ceremony.png(source - twitter)

At the time, the war that humanity has now stepped into, was not in sharp focus, but had been defined by important events in 2008 with the innovation of bitcoin’s decentralized consensus algorithm for discovering truth without the need for a central authority.

Central authority has now moved swiftly against this challenge by eliminating truth and replacing it with a “ministry of truth” run by the DHS (George Orwell called it perfectly). In regard to bitcoin, [TPTB] are choosing to try to replace it with CBDC’s or other cryptocurrencies that the state can control using transparent blockchains and KYC (Know Your Customer). I saw evidence of this personally as a member of IvanOnTech’s Academy. Infiltration is the means that many parasites use to maintain control as they fall behind innovators.

When truth no longer exists, only power matters. This is the way those involved with the WEF (World Economic Forum) want it, with Klaus Schwab who has been hiding in plain view, now openly ruining the theory behind the conspiracy, because now, it’s no longer a theory. Klaus has openly stated these agendas in the books he has written such as “The 4th Industrial Revolution” and “Covid 19: The Great Reset”. Many world leaders have openly said that we need a Great Reset and that we should “Build Back Better”. If all of these leaders are so independent from the WEF, how is it that they’re now all virtually parrots of the exact same message?

build back better.png(source - twitter)

Now that the WEF has openly declared themselves and their agenda, they rely on the fact that financially everyone is controlled enough for humans to comply with plandemic rules right up until they see the cemetery.

This has been a secret war against the entire human population by [TPTB]. It has to be that way because as soon as the people realize it, the WEF loses because it turns into revolution.


Klaus Schwab has openly bragged about penetrating more than half of Canada’s cabinet and most of the governments of the western world. He along with Trudeau have openly praised China’s method of government because it allows them to quickly make changes without the need to seek permission. Most of the leaders of the world are only allowed to rise if they’ve already been captured, or compromised. Maybe they pledge fealty to something similar to the committee of 300 (from Schwab’s book on the 4th Industrial Revolution). This system of control is made all that much easier due to the fact that humanity has a “hackable bug”… (Asch Conformity Experiment)

There’s even talk of “hacking humans” by members of the WEF…

…which Elon Musk one day hopes to implement. While Elon is being celebrated for bringing free speech back to Twitter (that remains to be seen), he may well be among those who will be responsible for the future “borgification” of humanity.

Elon borgifies humanity.png

This is far from a new development. The US military has been working on hackable human brain interfaces as the “new frontier of war for the 21st century”…

Dr. Yuval Noah Harrari also said that there’s a problem in this 4th industrial revolution about how to deal with “worthless humans” while AI scoops up all of the important jobs. He suggested controlling them with VR headsets and entertainment while limiting their impact on the environment until the threat of overpopulation is settled. Just how do they expect to do that? Well Dr. Michael Yeadon (former vice president of Pfizer!) has openly stated that this vaccine looks like an intentional genocide.,-Premeditated-Mass-Murder-Evidence---Dr.-Michael-Yeadon---Attorney-Reiner-Fuellmich--VIDEO-:c

Now the abortion issue has come back. Up to this point it was looking like the Democrats had ruined everything (soaring inflation, war with Russia, etc), so this timing seems very suspicious. It gives the left time to fix something before many of them get thrown out in November. What better way to get re-elected than to rile up all women (> 51% of the vote) over the “my body my choice” issue (just don’t think you have a choice when it comes to a vaccine). The hypocrisy is glaringly pungent.

Of course the subprime court had to come out and say that the leak was reprehensible. More likely that someone got paid to change a decision that was hashed out and decided 50 years ago. Maybe not. It just seems to me that of all the things that can go wrong, nothing ever seems to go wrong for the WEF agenda. Seems impossible from a statistical point of view if all these political events are just “random” always supporting the same agenda.

During this past winter, the trucker convoy pretty much destroyed the narrative that covid was something to be irrationally afraid of and that common sense should prevail. That led to the shocking development that the government of Canada announced that it can steal your money and you have no recourse whatsoever. That the rest of the worlds MSM is silent about something that should be completely shocking to the average person is another example of things that just never go wrong for the WEF agenda. It’s not shocking to me or to anybody in crypto though. Andreas Antonopoulos has predicted that one day saying that “Protest can be snuffed out at the bank”. Max Wright explains how unprecedented this is that the banks would steal the public’s money - see at the 12 minute mark. This was an act of desperation. Well maybe not everything will go according to WEF plans. If it does, we end up slaves.

How [TPTB] kicked it into motion

Central authority needed a trigger, or an excuse to ratchet up their long planned war against us. That came with the covid-19 bioweapon being developed by Dr. Peter Daszak, Dr. Shi Zhengli et al. The fact that this has been long planned has been explained in my post about the eugenicists taking over the medical system to create a new form of tyranny.

Then when the time came to implement the plandemic, they ratcheted up the fear just like their ancestors did in the 1930’s. A very similar excuse was given back then (that the Jews spread disease) and that they must wear a yellow star. That symbol today is a mask. Fauci knew from the beginning that viruses (which are millions of times smaller than bacteria) could pass with impunity. That science was settled long ago, but about a week after making that statement, Fauci did a complete U turn and said the opposite. The science didn’t change, but the politics did.

Opportunists latched on by passing legislation during the plandemic to make “mom and pop” businesses “non-essential”. While mom and pop was going bankrupt, due to being declared non-essential, [TPTB] were busy declaring landlords “non-essential” as well…

plandemic as a means of property acquisition.png(source - twitter)

… with the idea here that those who had organized the “plandemic” would also profit by it. The CDC bought up most of these properties for pennies on the dollar because the landlords were bankrupted by a policy to not evict tenants. Landlords of course didn’t receive the same courtesy. Oh, no. Government made sure that landlords had to pay up. This makes the CDC one of the largest landlords. Their buddies at BlackRock also got involved. Of course this is a gigantic conflict of interest. There are many more if you follow Dr. David Martins’s links below.

While Elon wants to implant brain chips into monkeys and humans, there’s also research into lengthening telomeres which increases life span considerably. I have reason to believe that this is available to the ultra wealthy now. It can’t be released to the public at large as it would cause pension collapse due to too many years paying out to seniors (about 100 years of social security checks for every senior if telomere therapy is successful)…

In order to conceal the fact that most of the world is operating under a single agenda (including Putin, Trump, Biden who all advocated taking a dangerous medical experiment according to most of the MD’s linked on these links), they fight against each other in public pretending there’s a diversity which includes the public… While they do have their internal squabbles about who gets to be #1, the reality is that none of them are friends of yours.

goebbls.jpeg(source - twitter)

Much of the lifespan lengthening research is promoted under the umbrella of transhumanism which seeks to promote immortality. Fear of death is one of the foundations of the transhumanist movement and it drives much of the agenda of Klaus Schwab’s WEF. It’s being sold as immortality, but what they’ll achieve is slavery if they’re successful (for most of us).

One of the many manipulations of humanity with the end goal being population control involves the confusion of sexual identity. [TPTB] stepped it into high gear with “me too” in 2018 which started as a movement against sexual abuse. Then further definitions of gender exploded to include “non-binary” as a catch all. This aids the breakdown of family structures so that there are fewer children. The state wants control of all children (using the saying “it takes a village”) and the complete removal of parental rights. In the eyes of the state, we are farm cattle with “birth certificates” showing ownership by the state.

How do we fix this?

The best hope we have for freedom and safety from this crime against humanity is financial collapse. The existing fiat structure is what has made it possible to continue endless wars without accountability. Bitcoin makes this impossible because it would break the consensus protocols to raise the limits without a 95% consensus between nodes. Who, owning any bitcoin is going to vote to dilute their purchasing power? That’s why it’s exceedingly unlikely to ever happen. Governments need inflation. Deflation causes governments to collapse.

The main problem that allowed this crime against humanity to happen including all the wars since WWI is the fact that fiat currency can always be inflated. Inflation is just another term for “legal counterfeiting”. Bush 43 didn’t have to come to the American people to ask permission to get 75,000 USD from every family in the USA for the Iraq war which obviously would have been rejected outright. He just had the FED counterfeit the money (they call it QE - quantitative easing) and add it to the national debt. Fiat money leads to lack of accountability.

The first sign of a fix to this problem of increasingly centralized power has come in the form of a solution to the Byzantine Generals Problem without the use of a central authority in early 2009. This has effectively also made Klaus Schwab obsolete. While AI has been working to make humans obsolete, bitcoin was born deep in the darknet that makes kings and queens obsolete as well.

Unfortunately since then, there’s been dozens of imposters coming up. Just like in the early days of the internet when the search engine wars proliferated, now we have a proliferation of cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin may be the Yahoo! of the early search engine wars. The question is who becomes the Google of the internet of money? Some cryptos are designed to enslave you while others used correctly promote human freedom and prosperity, so humanity has an important decision to make.

The early internet also had a problem with information leaks as nothing was private. Sites started out with http in the early days and now most sites use https. Privacy is becoming much more important and people are beginning to realize that this needs to apply to money as well.

While bitcoin might be able to break the chains of human slavery to a corrupt fiat system, it has shown signs of compromise. Of the three principles of sound money that Aristotle spoke, the Store of Value property is still intact in bitcoin. The Unit of Account was never achieved (that’s what the USD does currently). Units of account need stability. In the early days, bitcoin had Medium of Exchange properties, and fungibility wasn’t an issue. The code did get changed to include RBF (replace by fee) which caused an auction environment competing for limited block space causing fees to skyrocket in 2017, and limiting the blocks to 1 MB makes it impossible for bitcoin to compete with Visa/MC on transaction times on the base layer of the protocol. Lightning Network was supposed to solve this, but rumors are that Chain Analytics has been given a back door to compromise privacy.

Jeff Berwick of the Dollar Vigilante thinks that privacy technology in crypto will become absolutely critical. This makes sense. All kinds of things can go wrong without privacy and government has proven that it can do more damage than even the most determined terrorist. With that, I think the idea of stopping terrorist financing by rendering all transactions transparent is a specious argument. Dollar use in terrorist financing already far exceeds (and is more private) than bitcoin. Only dumb criminals use bitcoin for criminal activities as they will surely be caught.

On the legal front, bitcoin was declared a stock subject to capital gains. This was done to prevent it from competing with the USD as a form of currency from which the US government derives most of its power.

Most people are unaware of these critical truths which is why we’re headed for a massive crisis this fall. The solution for us is in figuring out how to accept forms of payment that governments don’t control. We once had the separation of “Church and State”. Now comes time for separation of “Money and State” (seems that the state has a bad record of corrupting what it touches which is why separation is needed).

As an afternote, I had an epiphany that showed me how humanity became so duped. A large part of the problem is this mental bug that everybody has over the semantic fields of words. Robert Schmidt used to worry about his translations of astrological texts in that some words didn’t quite have accurate English equivalents. In those cases he usually transliterated the word. This is actually useful to politicians who want to deceive.

Many things that we render intelligible in our lives with labels (astrologers do this quite frequently as well as most everybody else, but it was in the field of astrology that I recognized the problem first) give a meaning that isn’t accurate to reality in the natural world. For instance, we call having money taken from us without consent theft and the people doing it thieves. But if that person wears a badge from the IRS, suddenly the same action is called “taxes”. The actual reality did not change though and natural law was violated, yet somehow it suddenly becomes sanctioned as OK.

Mika otf Rasila also alerted me to the importance of words in politics and showed the massive deception that has been going on for centuries in the legal system with the corrupt use of words. If we are to avoid the future borgification of humanity, then we need to understand the massive wave of deception that has swept the planet since long before any of us was born.

Source research links: (not that I agree with everything you see below)

Jetson One eVTOL (flying drones carrying people - sky motorcycles)

Clif on at 32 minutes

Dr David Martin on the criminal conspiracy to exterminate humanity…

Clif High on Greg Hunter

Cahlen’s list of vaccine truth:$/list/c2678eb7fc7365f7b212b64709bd501c51828f5c

Metaverse as a spiritual prison to escape reality that is awful…

Dr David Martin on how patent office proves covid crimes against humanity

Clif High and Bix Weir with Jean Claude

Dr David Martin on social security die off from vaxx is solution…

14 of 15 patients who died after being vaxxed…

MD’s catching on that the spike protein is an intentionally engineered toxin designed to cull humanity…

How deepfake infinite illusion will lead to complete dictatorship and extermination of humanity

The premeditated murder of millions is finally leaking out…

“The government would never do that” starter kit…

Bombshell case about to start headed by Dr Reiner Fuellmich about depopulation by poisoning

40% increase in death rates according to OneAmerica.

The above is putting pressure on insurance companies to increase rates on employers. Life insurance companies also saying paying out is not required in cases of experimental medical procedures.

Bix Weir and Clif High 1-18-2022…

Dr. David Martin on Trudeau’s connections to patents involved in this bioweapon

Dr. David Martin says that less than 50 people pulled off the greatest crime against humanity…

The WEF and the trucker standoff…

Cahlen on how the Cromwell side of revolt hasn’t even started yet…

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (very important!)

Klaus Schwab’s YGL leaders school…

Proof from establishment medical sources that the injection is dangerous and inhibits your immune system allowing cancers and autoimmune diseases to flourish…

BlackRock whistleblower says clinical trials for Moderna are fraud…

Maajid Nawaz on Joe Rogan about the current power grab in response to decentralization threats

US funded Ukraine bioweapons lab reason for Russian invasion?

World record weightlifting champion from Ukraine informs Arnold Schwarzenegger that the Ukrainian government is bombing its own citizens (A response to Arnold Schwarzenegger / Ответ Арнольду Шварценеггеру)

Corbett Report - The right is being sold on Putin being the “good guy” in the Ukraine conflict. The reality is something else:

why depopulation is a must…

10 reasons to question the Putin vs Davos narrative… (hint - Putin has ties to WEF)

Max Igan on medical nano technology

Dr Richard Flemings rebuttal to snake venom theory of covid…

Name stealing of the Khazarian mafia is in all government documents which sovereign “citizens” try to correct:

Controlled demolition of the food industry by the transhumanists…

This is the result of the food chain simulation crisis (sign that holodomor is intentional?)


No one rules where none obey.™

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