The Post 2020 Bitcoin World Will Bring the Collapse of many Governments: Will a Voluntary World Emerge?

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

I still see quite a lot of BS on the internet in my spare time. I’m not on Facebook anymore, but I still read Twitter on occasion and do my best to avoid other centralized IT as much as possible. I see lots of politics, virtue signaling, SJW stuff, Trump derangement syndrome, pro Trump authority worshippers, etc… If you belong to one of the two parties, you’re like a cat whose tail has been tied to another cat. Be smart and opt out of that world view before it’s too late.

You’ve been lied to, and misdirected. The primary culprits are people you’ve never heard of who wield immense power. Trump is just one of many. Power doesn’t rest upon one individual, so stop thinking that the vote you cast for president every four years is even remotely a life and death decision. It isn’t; it’s a placebo that attempts to lull half the population back to sleep in the belief that everything will be alright while the other half thinks death is imminent.

What you do every single day with the dollars in your wallet however is very much a life and death decision, but you’ve been conditioned not to question what money is. Money is in fact the most powerful vote of all. Even if you understand this fact, most of you still have no clue how to maximize your power over it (I will get to that at the end of this article).

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You’ve been told that one vote means everyone gets an equal say and that the vote is the most powerful tool we have in a democracy (never mind for now the illegitimacy of our democracy - but I’ll save that argument for later). The fact is that we live in a system that is much closer to what we call in the cryptocurrency field as a “proof of stake” system. The rules of the game are not what you’ve been told. Holding USD involves you in debt slavery, which is why smart wealthy people hold most of their wealth elsewhere.

Some people want to revive the 60’s spirit of civil disobedience and it is in fact already here. Chris Hedges has said that only by mobilizing large masses of people can the system change. The goal of large scale protests is to paralyze the system with people overload so that the state enforcers have no other option than to quit. The problem with this is that it is a reaction to symptoms but it doesn’t fix the underlying cause. The real cause is a globalized “rule by force and coercion” through the currency you use. You have to untie the cats tails and allow them freedom to go their own ways. The state of course doesn’t want this. It benefits by forcing you into this arrangement so that parasites can milk you for all you’re worth.

I’ve never seen the state more terrified than when #Occupy started springing up everywhere. In the beginning this cause drew both left and right together against the true cause (the banks). The public has been socially engineered to ignore what you have in common with each other by amplifying your differences. So now we have protests that the state is very happy to have such as the recent one in Portland, Oregon between antifa and the alt right. That plays right into their hands. It distracts from the real reason for the massive unrest in recent years. And that reason is…

The Largest Bank Heist in All of Human History

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Lets look at the numbers shall we… The total GDP for the entire world is estimated at 100 trillion USD annually. This doesn’t take into account all of the wealth held outside of the system by elite parasites which has been accumulating for centuries. That wealth is estimated to be into the hundreds of trillions in hard assets (because they’re smart enough not to hold large amounts of USD). If we break this down to the individual level assuming equal distribution, this amounts to $14,286 USD (100 trillion / 7 billion). For an average family of four, this is a household income of $57,143 USD. The average income for most people in the third world is less than $1,000 annually (over 2 billion people are in this condition).

In the USA, the average person has at least 30K in credit card debt and maybe makes a little bit more than that in annual income. Where is the rest of that wealth? Stolen, in the form of QE (aka Quantative Easing or bank legalized counterfeiting). While this has happened in stages, more recently Bush 43 raiding social security for the Iraq war (remember Al Gore’s locked box?), the financial crisis of 2008 caused by lax legislation allowing moral hazard by banks (banks gambling with depositor funds using derivatives), etc, the response to this has been the banks adding more zero’s to digital ledgers (banks) to keep them liquid (which does nothing to stop them from doing it again).

This is why it now takes two twenty dollar bills on average to buy a bag of groceries instead of one about 20 years ago. QE is really a stealth form of theft / taxation.

Nothing controls your behavior more effectively than the money you have in your possession. This is why most in authority want you to have less of it. The more money they have, the more power they have over you. With this dynamic, it’s no wonder that the vote is worthless and civil asset forfeiture is law.

How to fix it: Bitcoin and Decentralized Networks

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The most effective answer to the social problems of today is not a return to the past. This time if you line up in protest, they’re ready to murder you. They’ve got you so wound up now that they have what they think is a legitimate excuse for murder (it will be “the other side did it”). The fog of war will cover up the real causes and misdirection will be used.

What most people don’t realize is that the answer to these social problems (terrorism, currency wars, etc) was introduced to the world back in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto in an obscure white paper called Bitcoin: A Peer to Peer Electronic Cash System. The reason it is so powerful is because no central authority is in charge. It uses the internet as the backbone of its jurisdiction which is why shutting it down (what authority wants to do) also cuts its own throat (no more Swift Network for the banks).

Historically when individuals created money, which was exclusively the purview of sovereign authority, such individuals were shut down easily. Bitcoin was not the first attempt at digital currency, but it was the first without a central authority or company. It’s a protocol that was distributed as open source software and made freely available and for fairly obvious reasons, it’s creator Satoshi Nakamoto wants to remain anonymous. Strangely enough, nature mimicked this protocol in the occupy protests a short time later which makes me wonder about the higher order of things.

Now we see that government and large centralized corporate IT are banding together. As governments begin to lose purchasing parity around the world, companies like Amazon will likely form an interim government. But centralized IT is fatally flawed. All data structures that put information in one place eventually becomes a giant honeypot for hackers. The answer is not more firewalls, but distribution of IT (decentralize that data back to its source so that hackers have to hack millions of machines instead of a single database).

If you notice a pattern here, it’s a refutation of the globalization argument. You’ve been trained to think that globalization and authoritarianism is a good thing. However, we in the programming field, know better than to introduce too many global variables. Localization keeps the bugs (and parasites) out of your digital wallets and eliminates the need for coercion and use of force.

What the technology is telling you is that voluntary relationships (aka Voluntarism) is the answer to our social malaise. These values are opposed to forcing everyone into a single voting pool from which “to the victor goes the spoils”. That’s what a “social contract” basically boils down to; the parasites in government will be ready and waiting to scrape their cut off the top.

As a practical matter, to get rid of parasites in the national blood, you have to go for a transfusion of the currency in circulation. This transfusion would be the exchange of USD for bitcoin. Once the technology known as bitcoin can scale (or another alternative that is sufficiently decentralized) it will cut off the ability of the parasites benefiting at the top of the political pyramid from being able to engage in this massive theft and extortion racket they've made for themselves under the excuse of "keeping order".

Donations (public bitcoin address):



Well done @zoidsoft. You’ve been consistently upping your game around here and this post is no exception. Good job dude, thanks, that was a real good read.

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