false flag attack? any context or proof that it is a false flag attack orchestrated by people who want to take your guns away
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false flag attack? any context or proof that it is a false flag attack orchestrated by people who want to take your guns away
At the early stages like this; first thing to consider is the timing. Is there something important that needs to be distracted away from the headlines?? You are right though, it's too early to see real evidence...
Rosenstein testimony was a big one. My guess: Anything to keep us from mulling that over too much is important. They wouldn't want us to come to any logical conclusions.
yup, plus Trump had like the best day ever yesterday, defeating the unions and getting another SC appointment in the same day!
not yet but all the hype and live coverage is typical and I was going to post a prediction that there would be at least one more high profile mass shooting before the elections but they beat me to it.
What are you trying to say?....that someone set the guy up to go into the newspaper and kill people?
The best way to achieve one of these attacks is not really for them to set it up per se, really its a matter of just letting it happen instead of stopping it. Like how in parkland the police and feds were called 46 times about the shooter and did nothing.
Oh, okay....lol, you really had me worried there for a minute. I never took you for one to collect tin foil hats.
I was having a chat with someone yesterday who thinks the victims and such are fake but to me that seems like a lot more work and of course you would have to give a shit if people died or not and anyone who would set up such a thing clearly does not.
copper mesh is much more effective
...also you should take a minute and give this a read: