
Yes, If they win, they plan on a government shut down, by investigation. They will do it, with support from the MSM.

It will be a balls on full attack on this Republic, with Liberty herself as the expected casuality, SMH!


sir smithlabs....I doubt if they succeed in their plans, maybe their plans will turn out the way the election did when they all thought Killary was a sure thing.

Even if they can stuff enough ballot boxes to win, the backlash of their plans may get some of them recalled!This will NOT get old, things will get interesting in November

Hughe Knatchbull-Hugessen:

May you live in interesting times

Referring to a Chinese Curse; that did NOT come from China!


what the?? since when did you become a philosopher smithlabs? May you live in interesting times doesn't sound like a curse, I think you need to go back to engineering.

Gotcha...Engineering IS Philosophy; without it you have no vision, ROFLOL! Which make for a poor engineer!

Think about today, it IS interesting; wouldn't you rather have boredom coming from DC? Interesting, means undefined, undefined future is the curse. I just thought it was interesting that the quote is attributed to China, and they never heard of it at all!


ahaha! yes sir smithlabs boredom coming from DC would be like a dream, I like it when it's boring.

So you don't want to live in interesting times? ROFLOL! Just like this fake Chinese curse....
