Truck drivers boycott (effectively mooning) NY state; as is their Constitutional right!

in #informationwars8 months ago

You can only push so far, and the other shoe will fall! Now we get see if the man sitting in the oval office (or his handlers), will try to be as big a Tyrant as the Worm to our north....

Truckers are refusing loads to NYC:

Based on the exhorbitent fine NY levied against President Trump, which violate NY law (the largest fine to date was 3 million dollars) by it's very amount; and Truckers just say NO!

I personally have never met a liberal trucker. There may be a few up in blue states, but not enough to carry the needed freight! I've heard they are looking for replacement drivers (haven't found this story yet) but it makes sense to look for options. Since it takes 8 to 16 weeks to train a driver, and here they run them with an experienced driver for 3 to 6 months, to sand the rough edges off; I suspect that solution won't help much. And any they do "find" will be a novice driver, driving an 18 wheeler in NYC traffic...what could possibly go wrong???

They will bring in the national guard soon to move food. They should think about the load rating on a combat truck. They used to call them a duece and a half, because they could carry 5000 pounds. In combat this is Smart, because it makes many small targets for dirt road running!

These truckers that are driving elsewhere now, can easily move 10 times that much weight, and they are faster.

I just pray they figure out how to supply this ultra Blue city, before cannibalism raises it's ugly head! They have already taught them that life is Cheap, which is why the homicides continue to climb it's a small step to canabalism for those who are hungry that think they are so wise, and totally entitled!!!

I pray for the safety of the intelligent ones, while they find a safe place to move to! I'm educating a new neighbor from California, for the last 2 years. He's coming along (he's stopped asking permission to do things in his own front yard); and even got himself a couple of firearms! Need to get him out to the range, so he'll be safer with what he bought.

So I guess I'm ready for an intelligent one from NYC to move in for training now.

These truckers are independent contractors, and are showing a lot of spine; because this will reduce their business income. The ones that live out of their trucks, can also just leave; and find work anywhere! Take an over the road load, and they'll even pay you gas to leave! That will leave the ones that are tied there, enough business outside of NY State; to be okay!

The liberals will start passing regulations soon, to try to force these truckers to do as they are told! They think (sorry I know they don't actually think) that government regulation can fix everything! Might be a good time for these truckers, to fifth wheel an RV, and go on vacation....

The force they will try to use, will be like the force the Canadian Tyrant used up north on people I Still respect! They should keep in mind, that US truckers are not disarmed like they managed up there. Canadian truckers parked their rigs. They tried to come take their private property, to move freight; and they just moved the trucks and hid them. This is still causing them problems up there!

Unfortunately Tyrants must be tyrannical:
As we are still illegally holding political prisoners from January 6th; they are also holding innocent MEN in Canada! In both cases, they are in jail for their political views; and that's illegal in both countries! This post was written by a good friend in Canada, and he's spot on! This is, incidentally, exactly what the national socialist did in Germany in the 1930's! They are trying the next step, to jail their opposition; which also happened back then. Canada is one step ahead of the US, they took all firearms already; with the second amendment here, it is just a liberal dream, but the Nazis did it first!

I'm adding a few pictures for the MAN who wore this article, because he has a boy that loves heavy equipment.

First the Gator he can drive, if he can reach the pedals:

The skid steer unloaded and under repair and maintenance:

The skid steer, loaded to come home:
Hope he enjoys!!!?

Now for the planning...stay legal guys;
FIRST, I'd like a good source to send assistance cash to these truckers, that the government can't just sop up!

SECOND, We need to scream bloody murder to Every politician we can find, to release the political prisoners held illegally (no right to a speedy trial here, obviously) from January 6th!

THIRD, This last one is the most important; buy Nothing from NY State, until this is resolved!!!! If we do this for All online purchases, it will hurt more that the embargo can; by shutting down one more source of funding to the NY Communist party (called the dnc)! They make a lot of tax money from online purchases. I plan to add them to the rubbish heap where I threw china! Get to their purse strings, which is our legal right (at least for now); and they will begin to worry!!!! I buy industrial repair parts, so I plan to cause a rumpus there too!

This online Shunning won't cause as much disruption in the short term; but long term income damage will affect policy! I have a handful of good friends in NY State, but they are preppers; not living in NYC thank GOD, so they'll be fine! If they run short, there's always the one price box at the post office, I can back them up!

They will be passing regulations within the next fortnight; after they find that drivers don't grow on trees! Then they will begin trying to seize rigs. I prefer the Canadian option of just hiding them; for the ones who haven't already left. Please (no matter how tempting, and legal it is) do not start shooting! Hiding works, and it wastes their time. I have at least four spots truck drivers can use to hide their truck, if they get in a bind! These truckers are the kind of people I like to sit down to dinner with....

Any who can, should find hiding spots to help too, I'm not very close (Oklahoma).


Let's hope the truckers run the course to the end.

I just hope they go elsewhere, and make a good life for themselves! NYC has been a cesspool for decades, and is destined to totally fail; because of the polices of the liberal government there.


yes we all should stay legal and act legally

Especially now with a two tiered legal system we now face! We need to stay perfect....


I agree with most of this, but starving 10 million people is not the best solution here. Perhaps getting the national guard into the city is all part of the plan, and the truckers are playing a part they were expected to play. Looks to me like this trial is nothing more than a deliberate catalyst for the destabilization of the US. The trial has been ridiculous from the start.

One of my daughters happily lives in NYC. She just set up a large indoor growing space, so she'll have veggies for a while. I'll send her home next week (we're getting together at my lake house) with meats and canned goods. She has instructions to keep her tank full and to drive home if it looks like it will get really bad.

It's starting - oh my! Maybe I'll ask her to move home right now. She won't though. She's very happy there, in her tiny apartment with her two cats. And I gotta say, although a great many people in NYC are zombies, she somehow has gotten into a group that hates Biden, and can see much of the ruse. There's hope, even in NYC.

Those like her will do things for their own survival, and will do fine! But I fear for the liberal zombies too! The one price box at USPS will allow you to resupply her. You need to let me know if you end up short on something in your prepping supplies! She is one of them I mentioned, and having her move home is a great idea! I love the full tank idea, excellent suggestion! So keep after her to come for an extended visit....

Oddly, this embargo looks like it came as a shock, because of they had anticipated it, they would have responded with immediate regulation and police assaults. So they are trying to get "Directions" since they aren't allowed to think for themselves!

I don't like the lack of food for sure, but the destruction of the supply chain was inevitable due to liberal policies. This is just sooner than expected, I'm sure glad you're a prepper! It will impact you guys too, since they drop ship upstate from NYC. So glad you're growing what you need!

We both need to pray for the innocent's in NYC; and for this to be resolved without loss of life!


I didn't think about sending her stuff. Good idea. She's so happy there, I'm pretty sure she won't try to get out until everyone is trying to get out, though, and it might not be possible. What a trap that place is. Folks didn't leave in droves during 9/11 or the covid con though, so maybe this time they won't either.

She's got a good meat source from a nearby farm that probably drives their own stuff into town, a co-op membership, and lots of grow lights going on. I've already told her to stock up on shelf stable stuff. I think she'll be OK for far longer than most. I sure wish she'd just get out of there, but living on her own there has been a great experience for her, and has exposed her to understandings she was not being exposed to in her last home, Vermont.

We want the best for them! My Daughter was unwilling to even talk about prepping until recently. She is now concerned, but I've been buying for her (and family) for years! I told her I'd bring her a couple of car loads of food, to get her started. They can be a worry for sure!

Bug out timing is tough, and delayed too long is a danger. Bugging in, if they find you have food is a bigger danger! Hiding or using, a functional car is difficult in a big city! Is she in foot distance just in case?

They must be on their own, one of the hard things parents face; when they are raised right! Is she staying there for a job? Maybe there's one locally?

The Co-op sounds good, and the meat source; I'm surprised the liberals haven't shut healthy food like this down! Tell her to Only move a few bags at a time, so her neighbors won't know she's prepping. Leaving them in the trunk for a few hours, while unloading; won't hurt anything, while moving in slowly.

Restocking her will extend her safe time! I may do the same with my daughter.

Still hoping that this is not debilitating, but we'll see!

Be blessed....


I can't bring myself to dash their dreams by telling them the sky is falling. She's a carpenter - she can get a job anywhere. She also knows quite a bit about growing food, livestock care, and preserving. I just hope she sees the need to stay on top and ahead.
She's 300 miles away, not walking distance, and no way she'd leave her two cats.

The other daughter is in Nashville. Better than NY in some ways. She just bought a house that has a large yard with lovely sun exposure. I think she will start growing some food, but she's never done it before.

Both of them think I'm a little nuts.

We are all a little nuts! But that doesn't mean we're not spot on by prepping. I hung with her for a decade before my Daughter realized what's coming! She lives in a small town of maybe 25,000; so the will miss most of it. She is also the best shot I've ever seen...she started shooting her own rifle at 7.

Still pulling for her to get out of NYC safely! Her skill is very sought after, so she can go anywhere. They are always looking for carpenters here, and girls have a real advantage in employment! Cats are not very helpful for SHTF, but I like kitties myself; if my dog didn't just kill them....

Her biggest risk is the liberal mindset in NYC. That will cause things to break down faster! Nashville is much safer...fewer liberals, and more firearms!

The gardens will be process critical soon!


Hope the truck can get the work they should do at the end of the day

I'm hoping for them. They need to just move elsewhere, and there is always work for licensed truckers!


What a big problem is going on there .... something I had heard, but if the best solution in these cases is to hide otherwise a terrible war will come internally.

Here too the farmers are rebelling against the government for many things.

It's part of the process, we knew it was going to happen...

True, the time of tribulation is here! These are just good people that have had enough, like your farmers!

It is expected, but I don't have to like it.


I don't like it either, but we knew it would happen, they are good people who demand the right things. We'll see what happens....

Our Constitution is actually a document to Limit government power and reach! Most of what they are doing is illegal, and they are beginning to loose in court.

We certainly love in interesting times!


Let's see how it goes, here it goes well, the claims were peaceful.

The World will do okay until the fools here spend the dollar into insolvency. When the dollar goes, the entire World will suffer! That is the time we need to rely on our stored food supplies....


I know, the great crisis will come and the world will despair

Things are ramping up. I supported the Canadian truckers, I certainly support the American Truckers. Don't piss off the people who feed you.

They must subjugate those who produce, to become the full tyrants they wish to become! They Must control EVERY aspect of Everything, because they are insane!!!!

If every truck driver says NO, the economy collapses, And we go back to barter. Time to begin producing what we need for ourselves, for our own use.


That will really be a big problem there but hoping that it is sorted out

Mee too, but the people that are screaming against the truckers; are 100% wrong. They have the freedom, and the rights to do as the want! No government agency has the right to take their trucks; nor force them to haul loads, where they don't want to. We are not a dictatorship yet!

But I believe they will work it out. I just hope they don't kill any good people!


I'm not so sure this will be a major disruption. Not all truckers are independent. For goods, NYC also has harbors. But I would suggest anyone in any urban area, and especially NYC, make plans to leave or shelter in place with a supply stockpile before things get bad, even if this turns out to be nothing.

We will see, but as you say; the worst must be the basis of good planning. The total number of truckers will be hidden from us, in the media. So we will have to wait until the results become obvious. It Will raise costs for everything there, even if it's only a few truck drivers! More drivers losses will exacerbate this problem. If they pull in the National Guard in for moving freight, things are falling apart quickly.

Everyone should be stockpiled already!


Everyone should be stockpiled already!

If people didn't learn from COVID, I don't think they ever will learn at all.

So very true! I was stocked up a decade ago, and I'm still adding! But COVID was a wake up call. I go to buy 1 kw of solar panels tomorrow, to add to my existing stockpile.

Sadly, many will die in ignorance, SMH!


I hesitate to assume total catastrophe. Many predicted doomsdays have come and gone with nary a problem. But everything from unexpected storms to unemployment to the clusterfuck of 2020 definitely suggest prepping is wise anyway.

We were told to flee to the country from the City in the end times. I've been doing that for over a decade, including buying the land! I wish I was further along, been delayed medically.

As far as Doomsday I used to buy lunch for $1; now that exact same lunch is $16.50. Welcome to the stock pot, the temperature is just being turned up faster now! My water bill was $35 four years ago. But we got a rino mayor, and it's now $104.95!

So we are living in a catastrophic environment today....

But prepping does make sense!
