If Ethereum was Bitcoin 2.0, and added smart contracts (Szabo, 1997) to the state, then how Vitalik Buterin has described what Ethereum 2.0 would look like is that it would use sharding, with thousands of individual shards that all manage a piece of the state as a whole, and if you need to send a transaction from one shard to another shard, then the message finds its way across, via a sort of jury selection.
A lattice state makes sharding possible
Rather than collecting transactions into blocks, and appending those blocks onto a chain (line) of block, BitLattice uses a multi dimensional, laminar lattice state. Transactions are linked to four surrounding transactions, within a lattice, and their position is cryptographically signed by what Hibryda calls "authority entities", which are embedded in the lattice itself, and referenced by nodes when they add new transactions to the lattice (similar to miners in a blockchain. )
The "authority entities" trigger each other with calculation requests, and compare results to be sure that a transaction is valid.
Short but so much effective content,thanks a lot for sharing your ideas.see you soon.
interesting things this would form in the real life usage if done and implemented right
I'm thinking that I'd like to add proof-of-power to BitLattice, for global consensus with proof-of-personhood from online pseudonym parties. Will be exciting to follow the launch of the BitLattice test net and to learn a bit more about all the ideas, and see if that "Casper 2.0" could fit in somewhere.
Yeah totaly agree on this
tnx for upvote
Amazing blog post,iam a big for you sir following your articles from few days.
just came to learn more about this concept it was interesting
great and interesting things,,,,
this is breally cool:)
Thanks for this great and good thinks.......////////
this could solve a big problem in real time
Yes BitLattice is a very inspiring project. They are launching a test net sometime around now, it may already be operational, the most recent update:
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
interesting post once again thanks for sharing your knowledge :)
This is truely amazing,always a big fan for your blog posts,thanks a lot for supporting us here.
That's a good post and video. Short and crisp.
Well as time will pass by many new tech will come and adopt!
Thanks for the update buddy !
I'm impressed your post.............//////////
interesting things this would form in the real life usage if done and implemented right.Short but so much effective content,thanks a lot for sharing your ideas.see you soon.
interesting things this would form in the real life usage if done and implemented right
Short but so much effective content,thanks a lot for sharing your ideas.see you soon.
This is really interesting and awesome. Man tnakyou very much for share it to me, i came from a link you share on another post, really thankyou.
And the complexity continues to grow.....