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RE: The fake news of the fake news.

in #infowar8 years ago

this used to be only the first part in a basic education, the Trivium Method. then, there is the Quadrivium, which is the math part, which is also a language. it used to be that a high education could not be had without this basis. there are vanishingly small number schools that teach these now. i would be ecstatic if ten percent of the population could be brought to the level of basic reason. i do not expect to teach everyone myself, so i'm not really all that ambitious. i have come to the understanding that, i can inform those who are curious, and let the rest find their own way.

i do think most of this can be adapted to almost any language, but only being a speaker of English, math, and a very rusty Latin, i cannot be sure.

i live in America, and do not expect that anyone has a good education. mine, i've had to acquire myself, and am still learning. i have always had a desire for knowledge, and do not know how to encourage it or instill it in others, so, i search for other like minded people, and interact with them. steemit has made this easier. most of the people i meet in my immediate "meat space" world are less curious, or capable of deciding which news is fake, than a brain damaged monkey, and likely to remain so.

it seems to me that the benefits of knowledge should be incentive enough to desire learning. i have been searching for a way to further incentivise this , but have not found much. manipulation may serve, but i'd rather not use this, for it seems dishonest. if you have ideas about this, please do share them.

i have the Lobo comic from which your picture comes. it is one of my favorite comic series. there is also "Lobo's paramilitary Christmas special", a one issue, darkly comedic, very entertaining.