Should Straight Marriage Be Illegal?

in #infowars3 years ago


I am and always have been a very respectful person and have always supported LGBT right and gay marriage. I do not have a homophobic bone in my body. However, it seems that as a straight person who's very respectful of LGBT people it's all being thrown back in my face.

Adam Levine, the lead singer of massively overrated Maroon 5, who is very keen to promote his LGBT supporting credentials has suggested it might be better if straight marriage is outlawed. I appreciate he might have said this with some degree of frivolity but it demonstrates just how far the globo homo trans order has reached.

It astonishes me that this type of borderline heterophobic language is so commonplace nowadays and encouraged particularly from celebrity types. People surely must realise that the LGBT movement is not just about equality. Perhaps it was once but it has clearly morphed into something far more sinister and destructive.

Apparently only gay marriages are successful these days and only gay love should be celebrated within the sanctity of marriage. Do you know what I'm pretty sure there are a lot of gay divorces too. Yes, there may be a lot more straight divorces out there but that's because the vast majority of people are straight!

Peace and Light,