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RE: Information Warfare: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

in #infowars7 years ago

ok ok, Jeff Berwick, thanks for the report... I will have to say that when I came on Steemit 2 years ago, shortly after I decided to announce that I was not using facebook or any other centralized platform anymore.. I send this announcement to all my friends, asking them to come on Steemit.. only 2 did!! (but they only made 1 post each)... so not a huge success story... but I am not volneable to any centralized media closing me down... since I am "so small" it would probably not even happen, but still.. I think it is something that everyone should do...

I must admit that I do share a free office space with statists, wannabe politicians and cronies, and sometimes have lunch with them... (need human contact and true anarcho capitalists are almost non existing of today).. the man I was having lunch with yesterday (Steen Juhl Olesen), who is a small time politician in the local municipality, had never heard of Alex Jones before in the resent 2 weeks (yes, I know why am I even talking with or having lunch with this man? Again, need some human contact)... so I told him, that I have known about him for many years, probably about 14 years or so...

What am I saying with all this?? We all need to simply stop using centralized platforms as soon as possible.. support each others (esspecially us that are anarcho capitalists, flat earthers and here with our real identity, face and name)... and make each other so rich and seen (ON STEEMIT) that it will get attention from all the statists that are still on the centralized platforms...

I hope this Alex Jones purge will speed up this process... I guess thats the best that can come out of it... you can start by upvoting all my post the last 7 days! :)..

Steem on!



what you mentioned is part of the 'real' problem; people don't want to leave these platforms; if we'd all decide to use the alternatives, these companies would have less power and influence; But you told all your friends about this; and only 2 came; made a couple posts; and went back;

Typical of how people are. I've been working to move people off these mainstream networks since 2010; the most difficult task in all the world.....

I agree entirely; I don't think 'we' do a good enough job of this now - supporting one another that is -- b/c unfortunately the masses will FOLLOW one another into the Oblivion - and will help bring in MORE censorship when we have the opportunity to fight for NONE of it.