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RE: InfoWars Blacklisted By Major Advertisers After CNN's Guerrilla Activism

in #infowars7 years ago (edited)

lol CNN took away $169.00 from Alex Jones. In exchange he gets a front page article from CNN that he can use to prove Big Tech is censoring and attacking him. This CNN hit piece is worth six figures and it’s memetically powerful FOR Jones. This war is getting personal. InfoWars created t-shirt campaign against CNN.

EFD8A3E6-E37C-417A-8FE0-81BEA7752969.jpeg It’s fun to watch. If I didn’t know Fake News CNN, I would say “Breaking story”, but this whole thing is just a comedy. It all plays well for Alex Jones and his Chanel. I believe in this case the winner is ‪@infowars‬, and the losers ‪@Google‬, ‪@YouTube‬, ‪@facebook‬ , ‪@twitter‬ and @CNN are only driving content providers and their audiences away and at the same time is opening the door to alternative platforms. I’m really anxious to see how this all eventually plays out, including all these sponsors of info wars. I personally believe that alternative media will take over when it comes to average people, with mainstream medial being just a puppets of the governments who keep them on payroll to keep them alive.


It wouldn't be at all surprising to see this blow over, at least where Alex Jones' channel is concerned, and like you say this situation only serves to feed this idea that he is constantly 'under attack' from the mainstream. The reality is that InfoWars IS mainstream at this point.