Here are the two videos Infowars got 2 strikes for on youtube. The videos are still be circulated on youtube so one must ask is this just an excuse to go after Inforwars?
InfoWars, a far-right media organization run by Alex Jones and known for peddling unfounded conspiracy theories, is on thin ice with YouTube after it posted a video that portrayed the survivors of the Parkland school shooting as actors.
The Alex Jones Channel, Infowar's biggest YouTube account, received one strike for that video, a source with knowledge of the account told CNN. YouTube's community guidelines say if an account receives three strikes in three months, the account is terminated.
Are you not an actor if you are given scripted lines from a producer(CNN) and say them live on air? Students have come forward claiming CNN has asked them to read scripted lines live on air. So it only makes sense to questions all these students that gave interviews to CNN. Were they reading scripted lines as well?
That video focused on David Hogg, a strong voice among survivors of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The attention has given him a powerful platform -- but it has also made him the subject of demonstrably false conspiracy theories that claim he's so skilled as a public speaker that he must be a paid actor.
On Wednesday, YouTube removed the video from InfoWars' page for violating its policies on harassment and bullying. The video was titled, "David Hogg Can't Remember His Lines In TV Interview."
So we must take what these kids say as gospel and can't share any other opinion about them on youtube because it's harassment. Well the videos are still up on youtube I found them with very little effort. Why didn't they get removed from these smaller channels too? Maybe because youtube is doing the harassing and doesn't like infowars ruining the fakenews and democrats push for gun control?
-David Hogg messing up his lines and being coached.
-student at the school claims multiple shooters.

I would go so far as to say that the FBI knew there was a credible threat at the school and stuck this Hoggs kid in there. The FBI had received 30 or so complaints about Cruz, and this Hogg kid’s dad is former FBI. This whole thing has BS written all over it.
you would think that they wouldn't be clamping down so hard if these claims aren't hitting a nerve...
Relevance:CensorshipCurated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Tucker Carlson; Student Survivor Quit CNN "FAKE NEWS" Town Hall After Refusing 'Scripted' Questions
I find funny when people still telling me that this is the land of the free.What makes it free?? You can't even say whatever you want anymore!
It's because we allow these corporations to run and control our lives. If people would just start to think for themselves and question why they are being taught to think a certain way then we'd start to see freedom raising in this country again.
It comes down to education.First turn your tv off,second,sign up to Steemit and learn about reality!😊
"You can't even say whatever you want anymore!"
This means that you are hinding something you wanna say!? This means you've got to be a Russian agent!!!! Somebody call the FBI and Robert Muller! ;)
This is not a laughing matter unfortunately.This xenophobia is all time high,thanks to lying media,and people see enemies everywhere
It IS a laughing matter, since satire is the only place left, where you can still have your opinion without having PC police trying to destroy it.
That might change soon though.
No,Steemit is a great place where you can have your opinion.That's the beauty of a decentralized platform my friend.
Remember how the Deep State forced Amazon to shut down WIkileaks Servers? Remember how Deep State forced to shut down the Lavabit mail provider? Remember how the Deep State forced Twitter to remove accounts they suspected of being "Russian trolls"?
What make you think they wouldn't do the same with SteemIT?
Who's gonna resist and how?
You can't shut anything down on the blockchain 😉
To be fair. This is not a first.
IW surely won't go anywhere just because of another probably just a temporary ban. I'm also sure they also know of Steem and, but they are still not here for a good reason...
They will come as more and more youtubers move to Dtube and as users of Steemit grows.
I don't think Alex Jones wants his fans to see the amount of money he's earning with his content. So his team members are probably waiting for the feature to hide the earning before even considering to register at Steem.
On the other hand should YT ban him for real, he might indeed move to Steem be it just for revenge.
Jones is controlled opposition. The mere mention of zionism, he will shut you down. Doesn't sound like open minded questioning to me. Who owns the 6 mega media outlets??
So nice post about information war. Good one.
Thanks for sharing your video with us.keep it up.hope people will be like on this post and learn many things on this.go ahead.thank you.keep sharing.
Infowars youtube strike claims are bs. Proof ⬇️
Do you think all strikes are fake or just Alex's?
No, I think there were real strikes for others, but the intention was to bring them back. The YouTube purge was done in order to filter out real truthers and bring back only shills. To control the opposition and the narrative.
Removing the shills as well was necessary in order to create an illusion of authenticity.