Arizona going straight over the BIG BROTHER LOONEY LEDGE INTO DNA LALALAND. Just say NO!!!

in #infromationwar6 years ago

I want to see people pushing this type of invasive "body snatcher" type stuff arrested for "crimes against humanity." Sadly, though, of course the people who invented that term are the same ones pushing for eventually requiring every human on the planet to submit to mandatory vaccination and mandatory collection of DNA samples.

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Check out this ludicrous story:

Here is a key excerpt:

"Under Senate Bill 1475, which Sen. David Livingston, R-Peoria, introduced, DNA must be collected from anyone who has to be fingerprinted by the state for a job, to volunteer in certain positions or for a myriad of other reasons. The bill would even authorize the medical examiner's office in each county to take DNA from any bodies that come into their possession.

The Department of Public Safety would maintain the collected DNA alongside the person's name, Social Security number, date of birth and last known address. Any DNA in the database could be accessed and used by law enforcement in a criminal investigation. It could also be shared with other government agencies across the country for licensing, death registration, to identify a missing person or to determine someone's real name. It could also be provided to someone conducting 'legitimate research.' A $250 fee could be collected from a person who submits biological samples, according to the bill. It's not clear who would foot the cost for the dead. No other state does this."

And who gets to decide what, exactly, is considered "legitimate research?" Josef Mengele?

(Image courtesy of

I thought Arizona was supposed to be a conservative state. Barry Goldwater is probably rolling over in his grave.

As I write this, I have to make plans for an 8-hour round trip and who know how many hours in a hearing room soon to try to stop Maine from putting in the most invasive NO EXCEPTIONS mandatory vaccination bill. We need to start suing these groups and even these "lawmakers" who are putting up this blatant treasonous, freedom-robbing crap for our time and travel expenses.

This is ridiculous!!..and as you can tell I AM SICK & TIRED OF THIS STUFF.



Somebody had to do it. Why not the State that was trying to be toughest on illegals. It's all part of the plan prole/goyim