
First off, thank you so much for using inji. You were actually the last person with @forkyishere to publish on inji on the 31th of December. 🙏

The reason I pulled the plug now was mainly that I don't have enough time & energy to keep maintaining the social media part and that the AWS credits ran out.

I put a lot of money and time into inji, and while it is indeed very sad for me to make that decision, I can honestly say that I gave it my everything. The whole thing started because I wanted to build a small thing at the start of 2020 based on an idea Gary Vaynerchuck shared on social media. The small thing turned in a giant thing and while I ultimately pitched the idea to Gary Vaynerchuck at the end of 2021 and he seemed interested in the pitch, he never answered the mails, which quite honestly was something that took me many months to get over.

So from then on, it was more of an "when" not an "if".

With this said, I think my energy at this point is better spent elsewhere, at least that's where I believe I can provide the most value for Hive, Splinterlands and myself.

Was a really great experiment and I really enjoyed the peaceful mindset of multi networks posting.

@dbuzz is my fallback app now that things are over. 😍

The environment around Blockchain Technology has changed a lot lately. I don't think anyone will hold your decisions against you. Sometimes life is just what it is.