it's really been 3 years?! feels like yesterday that I first used your site. While I really appreciate your work and dedication, I have to say that I am not surprised by this development. Your premise of less posts = more value was clearly not accurate or at least not something that people wanted. Did you change the parameters at the end to allow for more posts? I feel your skills as a web/dapp developer could have been so well used for "project blank" from the leo finance team.
What's your stance towards Hive now; are you still building something? There is so much there is still to do...
Yeah, time flies! I think the idea is still good, but it's likely that it wasn't what people wanted, more what I think would be beneficial for social media users. Def. lessons learned there.
I'm working at Splinterlands, so I'm def. still building (for Hive). But at this point at least, I'm not really interested in building something on my own and doing everything myself. I still like to code on small side-projects (i.e. for my witness), but there's actually something beautiful in working with a team of talented individuals.
And as Matt, I think in some townhall, said (rough quote): "I noticed that I don't really like to build a business, I just want to build a fun & great game" And that's how I've been feeling as well. It's fucking brutal to build a business. I just want to build cool & fun stuff.
cool to see over at SPL. I think we should slowly see a turn around there with the new ideas/roadmap coming to life