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RE: Brand New Original Video: Check out THIS Creative Way for COPS to Steal EVEN MORE of Your Money!!

in #injustice7 years ago

In my opinion rules are there to find a way to live in a community with millions of different people with different norms and values. Fining people is an effective way of harming people by taking their money for acting against the national standards. And yes, some police officers act against their purpose and against the "book" they have to follow and this can result in "harassment and collecting" but police officers are people as well, and if they step a side from the "book" (terrible and discussable) mistakes can be made, however, sometimes positive results can follow as well, and I think we should focus more on the positive acts or otherwise how improvement can be made. They're only human. In every country the level of authority abuse is different of course, and I maybe not have the right to speak dealing with the Dutch cops who often can be seen as helpful and friendly.


How about the fact that MOST of the rules are immoral and they are there to generate revenue from peaceful people.

Speaking of Stockholm Syndrome. :/