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RE: OCD and CreativeCoin - #Inktober 2019 Event

in #inktober5 years ago (edited)

Thank you for finally responding to one of my comments.

I believe in a decentralized Steemit platform and standing up to thugs like you.

Are you guys obsessed with the trending page or something?

Do you seriously honestly think that a bot deserves to earn more WAY more profit on a post like this than what I earn in almost every single one of my posts?

I don't understanding the bigotry towards authors who think their posts are good and want to promote them. Can you please explain it to me?

Please consider reading my most recent blog posts about how you gestapo Nazis are destroying the Steemit platform? Please don't buy any Leo tokens though. lol I don't think the Leo platform needs any ignorant thugs like you.

Do you thugs even read my awesome posts that make the trending page on the Steemleo platform before your obsessive compulsive disorder or something kicks in and you decide to downvote them?

I made the trending page on the first day on Steemleo and I think the post did deserve to make it on the trending page.

Could you thugs maybe let people know about before you help kick them off the Steem blockchain or should I do it myself?

Also please remove your asinine downvotes to my account. I think my account is far superior to most of the accounts you upvote.

Personally I think the downvotes should be upvotes instead but I'm not sure you could even handle doing the right thing.